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Anonymous Thomas said...

@Bruce I am generally on board with the concepts you write about, but I am curious to hear your opinion on something. If we have these beliefs, how should that translate to what we do in our day to day? Most of us have to earn a living, and then in free time there's family, hobbies etc. I set aside time for my spiritual life, and I do feel like these concepts have changed my internal dialoge in the background of my mind. My life feels more "meaningful", but is living an otherwise ordinary life right in light of this? What advice do you have in this regard?

26 May 2024 at 15:00

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Thomas - I believe we are all much more individual (by nature, by destiny) than nearly always assumed - so any kind of external rules, general plan or blueprint for everyday life is almost certain to be harmful.

That's where all the stuff I have written about honesty, discernment, intuition, primary thinking, living-from-Love, and guidance of the Holy Ghost is supposed to suggest a perhaps-unique individual pathway.

For which we ought to take personal responsibility (and not trouble seriously about justification to others, or arguing for others to do as we do).

So, it's easy to be categorically negative and say what ought to be avoided and would be harmful; but positive advice can only be non-specific and related to very general attitudes, approaches, principles and the like.

Life as a quest - that's the basic idea. But not a hero's quest, because heroes are public figures. What is needed is underwritten and known inwardly, primarily - although the ideas might comes from many sources - many places and other people.

26 May 2024 at 15:29

Anonymous Thomas said...

@Bruce Thanks, this gives me some things to think about.

27 May 2024 at 18:35

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Thomas - It was a good question, and helped me clarify my thinking on the subject.

27 May 2024 at 20:36