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Blogger Robert What? said...

Living forever in this plane seems like as good a description of hell as any.

24 January 2018 at 06:18

Blogger William Wildblood said...

I was thinking just what RW? says when reading this piece! Religion is about spiritual transformation not immortality though that also comes into it, of course. But it is not the main thing at all..

24 January 2018 at 10:23

Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Immortality of some kind is a bare minimum requirement. Without it, no amount of "spiritual transformation" would mean anything.

Less Wrong types at least recognize that much. As you say, it's no longer a universal intuition among adults.

24 January 2018 at 14:37

Blogger Robert What? said...


Immortality is not a "reward". As I understand it we are immortal spiritual beings and will spend eternity either in God's presence or away from it. Maybe it's a bit like the "conservation of energy" theory in physics: energy can be transformed into different forms - even into matter. But it can't be destroyed. Maybe our spirits are the same way.

24 January 2018 at 19:40

Blogger David Balfour said...

Living forever as we are would be a form of infernal arrested development; like caterpillar grubs never to fly as beautiful butterflies, the only way of ever fullfiling their true destiny!

24 January 2018 at 22:57

Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


Perhaps. Or perhaps, as J.W. Dunne proposed, the immortality of everyone and everything is built into the structure of time itself. Or perhaps immortality is impossible. But the last possibility is not worth considering because in such a world nothing, including having true beliefs about mortality, matters.

25 January 2018 at 03:04