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Blogger Shannon said...

One thing leads to another this Saturday morning, and I find myself back at the start...
I followed the link to Francis Berger's blog, then to his post on March 20, 2020 (because I'm fond of this date): "Don't Underestimate Your Spiritual Power", and then found this Berdyaev quote in Francis' comment:
"The opening of a new epoch of the Spirit, which will include higher achievements of spirituality, presupposes a radical change and a new orientation in human consciousness. This will be a revolution of consciousness which hitherto has been considered as something static. The religion of the Spirit will be the religion of man's maturity, leaving behind him his childhood and adolescence..."
And I am reminded of your post today. The ideas expressed in your post have a relationship with Berdyaev's "three epochs of divine revelation". They don't exactly rhyme, but they do parallel nicely, and I find that intriguing.

18 November 2023 at 16:10

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Shannon - Yes, it's probably the same idea; and one I have been trying to make clearer to myself for several years! (I got the idea from Barfield, soon after supplemented by Rudolf Steiner who seemed to originate it, rather than Berdyaev). I am confident it is true, and indeed necessary - yet it is difficult to state explicitly what we exactly should be aiming for.

18 November 2023 at 16:49

Anonymous Mia said...

Beautiful and helpful post. Thank you!

19 November 2023 at 17:50

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Mia - I'm glad you appreciated it. This one has a personal relevance.

19 November 2023 at 18:01