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Blogger William Wildblood said...

In one sense things are simpler because good and evil are becoming more clearly delineated but the matter is complicated by the fact that the world is presenting evil as good so unless we are alive to inner truths we are going to be deceived. But that is just a test of our inner integrity. We must go against the world which will not like us for it and we must do this with fierce determination but without self-righteousness or pride, another test.

26 October 2018 at 17:16

Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

Well, things are always coming to one point or another, and often more than one point at the same time. That is, there is always a decisive contest at some point in the future of any given moment for any individual and for any group of individuals who are all in conscious relationships to one another.

These points are always passing by, but while there is a moment of relaxation of tension after one such decision point, there are always plenty more such points in the future.

What matters is that each and every individual is becoming more definitely themselves over time (which is why time as perceived by humans exists). Eternity is a state in which what you will do in the future is consciously implicit in who you already know yourself to be in the present.

That is, the process of things coming to a point is what is meant by the temporal perspective.

But in regard to the particular subject of 'ancient magic', the simple truth is that effective petition to the spirits which God has set to govern aspects of nature has always been by virtue of appeal to the relationship of the petitioner to God. In pre-Christian ages and countries, it was possible to make such petitions without consciously appealing to the merits of Christ (and it remains possible for some to appeal to the merits of Christ without having any orthodox opinion about the set of historical details that would correspond to Christ's mortal ministry).

26 October 2018 at 17:43

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@William - It ought to be easier for people to discern evil when it is extreme, and less mixed.

A lot of what is being actively promoted - such as the transgender agenda (from inducing 'gender dysphoria' at schools to permanently altering children's brains and bodies with powerful drugs, giving hormones and mutilating surgery) - is viscerally-obviously evil. It requires a huge contextualising theory to excuse it, and to 'explain' why it is 'really' good for kids deliberatly to be permanently damaged in mind and body (as a matter of state policy).

The political stuff is harder to discern; because it requires people to join the dots, notice trends, remember what happened last time, infer motivations etc. Because of mass media addiction, people are less good at that than ever before; and when people do use simple memory and common sense they are mocked or deomonized as a 'conspiracy theorist' - my word, what a lot of work that slur is called-upon to do nowadays!

I suppose what the evil Establishment most fear is spread of a real understanding of the fact of *spiritual* war - because that insight makes things so much easier to understand. But of course that waits upon a metaphysical awakening.

26 October 2018 at 18:42

Blogger Seijio Arakawa said...

Part of the way in which things are being clarified is that previously people had to be tempted and deluded into choosing evil in the hope of receiving something good in return, whereas increasingly people can and must be tempted and deluded into choosing evil for its own sake, with no discernible benefit.

Hence the plenty of people who give up their time and energy in service to pointless bureaucratic career paths, give up their beauty to self-mutilation, their character qualities to self-pity, and so forth.

Quite a few people have a latent understanding of spiritual war, intuiting the activity of a malignant force that wants humanity stop doing meaningful and good things and to lay down and die. However, since their metaphysics are materialist, they look for material mechanisms to explain their intuition. However bad these mechanisms might be in effect, they're not the whole story -- and yet I'm always startled by the downright Stalinist tone taken by mass-media in response to even these distorted intuitions. People might notice the war, and incorrectly ascribe it to some material circumstance like bad vaccines or fluoride in the water, but on the spiritual plane everyone seems to understand what they're really pointing to....

26 October 2018 at 20:18

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Seijio - Indeed.

One big problem with eth materialist 'conspiracy theories' of the kind you mention, or even the ones based on the assumption that the people-in-charge actively want to cause mass death and misery - the problem is that would be too easy for them to do, and they clearly aren't doing it (e.g. in a world with massive current population growth, increasing life expectancy etc)

27 October 2018 at 08:02

Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

The problem is that the majority of the PTB do actively want to cause mass death and misery, they simply don't want to suffer it themselves.

Evil consists precisely of the attempt to subvert justice. Natural justice assures that everyone will eventually be subject to the consequences of their own actions. Wanting to cause anything while excepting yourself from ever having to deal with the consequences is evil.

It's also highly limiting. One cannot do much of anything if one is always trying to make sure one doesn't have to ever suffer the consequences. The most anyone can do is defer the consequences for later, which is why a firm disbelief in the continued existence of the self after death is such an aid to evil.

One could say that it is the big lie that makes the wicked unfree.

28 October 2018 at 01:49

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@CCL - "Evil consists precisely of the attempt to subvert justice." I don't agree - indeed I think that justice has become almost meaningless as a concept in modernity.

Evil consists precisely fo opposition to Good; and Good is (pretty much) God's Loving Creation. Trying to pick 'justice' out of the web of creation is the problem - it can't be done fully enough to separate out the concept; as our legal system tries to do.

(As Barfield says - it can be distinguished, but not divided.)

28 October 2018 at 06:58

Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

Well, evil generally consists of all that obstructs "good". Good is a subjective value, it is defined by what we want. There is plenty of evil that exists implicit in the fact that the universe doesn't care what we want. I think it is possible to assert that all possible good is found only in Creation, that even that which we call good when in the context of Creation, we should find evil outside of that context.

The evil of volitional beings essentially comes down to wanting something that contradicts the desires they can actually satisfy. The desire to jump off a cliff for fun is evil unless you want to die rather messily or have a parachute/jetpack/whatever. The desire to push other people off the cliff for fun is evil unless you don't mind someone else coming to the conclusion that they should push you off the cliff.

The modern attempt to subvert even the concept of natural consequences of actions is evil. They are trying to avoid justice by making people forget what the word means. But the concept exists and must exist as long as people have functioning apprehension of reality because that is simply how the world works, the consequences of actions will inevitably affect the actor.

Justice can't be picked out of the web of creation because it is the fundamental structure of causality which must exist prior to creation (or anything else) being possible in the first place. If not for the law that actions have consequences which affect the actor, then the act of Creation could not happen, even if acts generally were possible, God would not be able to interact with Creation and it would thus not be Creation (in the capital letter sense, it might be imaginable that it would still be created, just not in a way that God could care about one way or the other).

29 October 2018 at 02:45