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Anonymous Iain M said...

John 3:19-20: ' ... men loved darkness rather than light ... for every one that doth evil hateth the light ...'.

Your post rightly notes that evil is ultimately sourced in our motivation. This then defines our allegiances.

What has horrified me these two years past is not simply the apparent revulsion of officialdom for truth (shocking enough), but the way in which its many servants have coordinated and heralded untruth. In turn, the masses have leapt into compliance with untruth.

We have seen some in medicine who, even having seen medical untruth for what is, still cannot comprehend how officialdom has chosen not act in defence of truth. Their complaints are still routed through the corrupted official channels. It is of course the failure to see the reality of evil which lies at the heart of all modernity and which lays it so open to manipulation.

12 April 2022 at 12:37

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@IM - "the way in which its many servants have coordinated and heralded untruth"

Yes, that is indeed truly horrifying - because we are talking of some tens/ hundreds of thousands of people (mostly from among those highest in status, education and pay); who are expending vast effort and ingenuity on mass deception and manipulation - with ever flimsier and less coherent justification in terms of utility; yet sustained in their efforts by smug moralistic arrogance.

12 April 2022 at 12:56

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

lea has left a comment:

"The primary motivation is self-preservation. With no spiritual ground to stand on everything can become quicksand. While I still hold no particular affiliation or relation to Christian tradition, or any other, it is undeniable that he was an incarnation of the very highest order showing us how to live and how to be. We have been gifted several examples of the best that we can be, should be perhaps, and very little changed. Confucius argued that being a good person was simple and language complicated it, abdicating responsibility for our actions leading into every other evil act. The examined life was a given to him, not an option. Only the lesser man would languish in non-contemplation and just hanging around."

The primary motivation of Modern Man is Not self-preservation! Far from it, and further from it than ever before in human history.

But what should be obvious is invisible unless one is rooted in broadly correct metaphysical assumptions - without which historical ethical teachings, whether wise or merely expedient - have zero traction.

12 April 2022 at 16:07

Anonymous Karl said...

This post explores a topic I find more and more central to my understanding of politics, religion and much else: namely the fact that most people are indifferent to most things most of the time, bar their immediate physical needs and short-term financial and social worries. It is really amazing how little the topic of Indifference is treated in philosophy, political science or theology. Most people simply don't care about anything much. It is one of those truths that dare not speak its name.

12 April 2022 at 19:26

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@K - A few years ago I did a series of posts about this phenomenon of demotivation

which I believe to be a characteristic of modern, post-religious/ spiritual societies.

12 April 2022 at 19:44

Blogger Lucinda said...

When I first realized that people really didn't want Good for the most part, it was sort of depressing. But it's actually a very freeing realization. Maybe because I'm a mom, but I'd been carrying around a very collectivist weight of people who were choosing what was bad for them, that if only I could learn to communicate better, people would be spared the bad things that I thought they must surely not want.

Someone was talking about a certain American animator rolling over in his grave over the current state of his company, and I thought, "I'm not so sure about that." Nothing personal about him, but I don't believe anymore the idea that someone who is successful in a relatively more virtuous time would not do whatever it took to be successful in a less virtuous time, because virtue-signaling is not the same as really wanting virtue, and most people are simply signalers who lack any deeper desire for virtue.

12 April 2022 at 22:03