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Blogger TheDoctorofOdoIsland said...

Most of my predictive dreams have been extremely straightforward in their meaning. For example I once dreamed of seeing one of my horses as a withered, emaciated corpse; the next day he had died.
- Carter Craft

25 January 2019 at 07:25

Anonymous Nathaniel said...

I came to this conclusion about the feeling of dreams myself, as a mode of figuring out the meaning.

for example I once found myself being pulled deep inside this salty/mineral/grey-emerald sea, I could 'taste' salt behind my nose strongly as I went under. It was a highly surreal experience yet didn't feel nasty. Around the time i kept having dreams of falling deep from a great height into crystalline/salty earth structures. They were very beautiful aesthetically and the land would glisten.

In another instance, I woke up in a flying craft with panoramic windows heading toward a sunset, there was a beautiful feeling of warmth within the craft and the sunset hitting the mountains we were flying through. We then headed toward the sunset and a large city in the distance that was set on the coast.
It's by far one of the greatest, warmest feeling dreams of my life and I can recollect it extremely well, any time.
The feelings were warmth, support and colour.

By the way Bruce - this blog is great! Lots of your posts resonate.

25 January 2019 at 16:36

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Nathaniel - Good to hear independent confirmation.

It's interesting how very different this is from what most people have said about dream symbolism - I remember some 40 years ago, leafing through a dictionary of dream symbols (published by Abacus or Picador), in alphabetical order, purporting to tell you each one 'meant'. I think it was based on Jung. At that time, I also read symbolic Jungian interpretations of Wagner (and Mozart's magic flute) by Robert Donington. I was interested, but unconvinced - and the method never seemed to work in real life.

25 January 2019 at 16:44

Anonymous Nathaniel said...

Dream symbolism has occasionally worked for me ( I do have Jung 'dreams' collecting dust somewhere) however I've come to the conclusion at 33 years old and having had a few experiences recently in my life unexplainable by any word, symbol or model, that 'Feeling' is primary. chest-based experiences for me are the most real, I know it as if I ever feel to make a closer contact with reality - my mind is much quieter whereas my chest area radiates with what I'd describe as beauty/warmth/sorrow/communion.

Rare are these experiences I must admit, but they are very real. Mainstream society is anathema to them!

it's like there is something ever-present available at all times, and flows into clearer/purer channels, and so the purer and more quiet we become, the more we can receive this . I describe it as Pure Love/Allowance/Truth (God) . Like fresh water that remains fresh because the cup is clean. It takes work to keep the cup clean, so to speak.

25 January 2019 at 17:11