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Blogger Avro G said...

Your description of strategic thinking and thinkers reminded me of the ferris wheel scene from the movie, The Third Man (from the novel by Graham Greene), where Orson Welles plays a man who is making a fortune wholesaling drugs he knows are deadly, and talks about the people below as “dots” whose lives are totally meaningless.

17 July 2022 at 13:07

Anonymous WJT said...

This is a very important point: Strategic thinking is evil in and of itself, regardless of the goal aimed at. It’s obvious once it’s been pointed out.

17 July 2022 at 13:56

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@WJT "It’s obvious once it’s been pointed out."

- that's how it seemed to me, but only once I had realized it explicitly.

Until then, it was a temptation I would *often* fall into ('heady stuff'), until I could sense that it was doing me harm, and then I would try to stop after a while.

This may be why I am intuitively averse to big schemes of social-spiritual prediction/ destiny/ evolution stretching into the future - such as Rudolf Steiner made integral to his system.

17 July 2022 at 14:19

Blogger R.J.Cavazos said...

Add "social science" frameworks and concepts. Once these animate a person or groups thinking--its over....

17 July 2022 at 15:54

Blogger No Longer Reading said...

This is a thought-provoking post. I agree that "necessarily to regard individual Men, families, organically-real human groupings - as instrumental; as means-to-strategic-ends... " is not good. And in particular that kind of thinking leads to temptation to large-scale evil, probably many of the genocides during the 20th century were planned under influence from that kind of thinking.

I would also distinguish large-scale thinking from strategic thinking in the sense of this post, where not all large-scale thinking is bad. There are trends or spiritual impulses that originate on the macro level, even though they do filter down to the micro level. And so, to act in harmony with it, one might have to consider the macro level effects.

Another thing is that planning the destiny of the world or countries as a whole is not properly the duty of human beings in general (excepting perhaps some very rare people with a special role to play), though I believe there are angels involved in it. So, it leads to great hubris where human beings trying to usurp a role not theirs.

17 July 2022 at 17:03

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@NLR - "There are trends or spiritual impulses that originate on the macro level, even though they do filter down to the micro level. And so, to act in harmony with it, one might have to consider the macro level effects."

I'm not sure what you mean - could you give an example?

17 July 2022 at 18:45

Blogger No Longer Reading said...

One example would be the idea of a group soul, that people were part of a tribe or a people or a nation. In trying to envision how the group soul works, I don't think of it as a bottom-up phenomeonon, an aggregate of each person's contribution, but rather as something from above, maybe instituted by a powerful being like the angel of a country, which people then fit into.

A spiritual family is bottom up, but a group soul is top-down. I think they are both real, but distinct and operate in different ways.

17 July 2022 at 19:13

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@NLR - I see what you mean, and I agree that there can be such groups.

I would distinguish this from strategic thinking; because it is personal, indeed individual - but at a 'larger scale'. It's like the difference between a plan and a destiny.

17 July 2022 at 20:13

Anonymous Alexeyprofi said...

Do you think that eugenic programs, implemented at national level, would be evil too? BC this is what some right-wing christians want to do.

18 July 2022 at 20:01

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

"Do you think that eugenic programs, implemented at national level, would be evil too? "

Yes, of course.

18 July 2022 at 20:19