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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Ron Tomlinson said...

>damnation will - passively - be consented-to

Fascinating. It makes total sense. Only a Blackbeard would actively choose hell and stride towards its gates. Almost everyone else will just keep muddling along having ignored the offers of salvation.

>Christianity ... is now necessarily the objective of a personal quest.

An offer not only of salvation but of full-blown adventure!

16 February 2024 at 12:20

Anonymous Charlie said...

Wonderful post. I feel like this is one of your uber-posts--this is a wonderful summary of many of the things I've read from you.

16 February 2024 at 16:35

Blogger Jonathan said...

Like Ron, the phrase "damnation will - passively - be consented-to" is what really hit me. Funny that that's in a parenthetical near the end of the post; it probably deserves a post on its own. I've been thinking in terms of people choosing damnation, Great Divorce-style. But if damnation really can be passively consented to, I daresay a lot of people are gonna passively consent.

16 February 2024 at 22:58

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Charlie - Thanks!

@Ron and Jonathan - I didn't think I was saying anything new! Indeed, I thought I was riding a hobby horse to write *again* about passive damnation.

By my understanding, Christianity is an opt-in religion. Which means that if you are passive, and don't make that positive choice to follow Jesus Christ through death and resurrection to eternal life in Heaven... naturally you will be "damned".

You have to want what Jesus offers.

16 February 2024 at 23:27

Anonymous Alexey said...

If you're interested, this is also what CTMU says. In Chris's theory we are secondary telors that redistribute telesis in such a way that maximizes overall reality utility parameter. I.e. we seek to create the best possible future, and reality needs us for that thing

17 February 2024 at 00:01