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Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

I think that Jesus' knowledge that Lazarus' spirit has departed his body (while still physically far distant from the buried body) is the most certain indication that Lazarus is actually dead, the condition of the physical body as verified by someone only competent in medicine by the standards of that time is not quite so firm an evidence (I've smelled sick people, they can stink quite badly).

It does seem that at least one of Jesus' disciples (and possibly others) were destined to await His return. However, there are prior scriptural accounts of holy people being taken up into immortal life without any clear confirmation of their mortal deaths. So what importance Lazarus' apparent death has is the issue...Jesus treats the matter somewhat lightly, He only says that Lazarus is dead in order to clarify for the disciples that the situation is serious, otherwise He says only that Lazarus is sleeping.

I take it that the implication is that reversing mortal death and restoring to life a body physically rotting in the grave is no more difficult for Christ than waking someone from normal slumber...but of course He knows that our perspective is that one is "impossible" and the other a commonplace.

But however commonplace it may be, it only ever happens because God makes it so.

28 September 2018 at 21:58

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@CCL - That, yes, but the Evangelist is also telling us more; as above.

29 September 2018 at 06:48