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Blogger Sean G. said...

The Secret Garden was a spiritually lifting experience like nothing I've experienced and is one of my absolute favorites, yet I hadn't even considered reading another book by the same author. I will check it out.

I also had to tackle the Secret Garden on trust because it sounded absolutely dull (it wasn't). And though I usually don't like audio books, I listened to the version read by Johanna Ward based on your suggestion ( and I highly second your recommendation!

3 August 2020 at 13:05

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Sean - Glad we agree! I have added FHB to my list of women literary geniuses; and - as usual with that species - she had a strange personal life. There seem to be approximately zero 'normal' woman geniuses (I can't think of any) - although a fair proportion (albeit probably a minority) of men geniuses are pretty 'normal' (at least to appearances) - like Bach, RW Emerson, or Tolkien.

3 August 2020 at 13:53

Anonymous Dave said...

When my daughter was little, about a decade ago, I read to her three FHB novels -- Fauntleroy, Little Princess, and Secret Garden, and we enjoyed them very much. They are not however suitable for older children and adults. For one thing, they rely too heavily on million-to-one coincidences, e.g. in "Little Princess", the girl he was searching the world for just happened to live next door!

The moral message, as one would expect of a woman, is 100% empathy, 0% justice. Why look, these peasants on Lord Fauntleroy's estate have allowed their cottages to fall into utter ruin! We must build them new ones at once! Of course the peasants gratefully accept the boy's charity because a woman is writing the story; real-world peasants would see an opportunity to overthrow him and loot the store-houses.

When women are given the right to vote, they bring this empathy out of the nursery, where it belongs, and into public policy, creating a highly-taxed, highly-regulated welfare state with legal abortion, low fertility, and mass third-world immigration.

3 August 2020 at 17:29

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Dave - You do realise, don't you, that this is the Marxist (everything is politics, at root) way of reading children's literature?

3 August 2020 at 17:57

Anonymous Dave said...

Lordship over a vast 19th-century English country estate is inherently political and should not be entrusted to a young boy or a woman of any age. If you're too nice to people, they *will* take advantage of you, the estate will sink into debt, and you'll be forced to sell off big chunks of it to more savvy lords.

In Anna Karenina, the author's alter-ego Count Levin spends much time thinking and writing a book about the proper management of agricultural labor following the recent emancipation of the serfs. He never solves this problem, nor did we; John Deere solved it for us.

3 August 2020 at 18:45

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Dave - I had a too much of this kind of stuff - economic/ political analyses of novels - when I was actively studying Eng Lit. It's just another version of convergence.

3 August 2020 at 19:24

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you tried Charlotte M. Yonge? I thoroughly enjoyed The Clever Woman of the Family (surprisingly as reprinted in the 1985 Virago Modern Classics ed.) - though, somewhat like SeanG, I have not yet read another of her novels after having so enjoyed that one.

David Llewellyn Dodds

12 August 2020 at 03:29

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

David - I'll take a look

12 August 2020 at 08:54