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Anonymous Adam G. said...

I think the real intuition is that God must be able to know because he is inside reality or else built it from the ground up.

The Mormon version of that intuition is that a man can know his child.

20 February 2014 at 13:24

Blogger The Crow said...

A failure to understand and know arises from the human insistence upon separation from that which they desire to know.
It seems very very difficult for humans to close that gap, and remove that separation.
In truth, it is he easiest thing there is, because naturally, there is no separation, until the human mind puts it there.
To ask whether or not God can know reality is a guarantee of confusion.
God IS reality.

20 February 2014 at 19:21

Anonymous Volksverhetzer said...

For Heathens, this is not really a problem, as the creator don't have to be almighty, he only needed to set up a universe based on cause and effect over time.

I don̈́'t know what the White Christ that converted Scandinavia to Christianity stood for, but if you look at church art from the time, the heathen intertwined life threads is impossible to miss. You also find the heathen intertwined life threads in "Celtic" Christianity, a strong hint that the Father of the White Christ the English and Irish taught the Scandinavians about, wasn't the omni-everything God of the present Bible.

It is not like the protestant teachings on predestination popped out of nowhere either, as it is the logical result when somebody that believes in historical necessity, wyrd, fate, etc, is presented with an omniscient God and an evil world.

HC Andersen tells a story about a woman who ha lost power, and lived in poverty, that got offended when a student told her that three wise men visited baby Jesus, as she thought it was the three wise women.(the Norns)

The son of the God of the Bible, don't have to be visited by the Weird Sisters, but it would be natural for most Germanic people to think this, until the Bible and obligatory Bible instruction, had removed all traces of the old folk religion.

22 February 2014 at 14:56