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Anonymous Gabe Ruth said...

It's been a while since I read the Space Trilogy. With movies I've often had the impression that they get worse when you see them again after a long time, and with books it's the opposite.

Thanks for the reminder.

30 June 2011 at 18:32

Anonymous Daniel said...

Today I saw a white woman on the street wearing a shirt that said "NEVER AGAIN" and showed white explorers landing on the shores of the Americas (to kill and rape and destroy the angelic natives, of course). This was here, in America. Presumably this woman believes that by the very act of being alive, she and every other Westerner is party to a crime greater than the Holocaust. Presumably she does not kill herself because she feels she must be alive to spread the word about the horrible crimes that her own people commit by breathing and living.

She is one step beyond Weston. He had "loyalty to humanity" and saw his own project (as an Englishman and a scientist) as part of that loyalty. The woman in the shirt takes it to the next logical step: loyalty to humanity in general, but disloyalty to one's own kin and history.

The real nub of the matter is not which incomplete moral principle that we are left with, it's the effect that this has on us: to become "a little blind Oyarsa in your brain."

30 June 2011 at 20:26

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30 June 2011 at 21:26

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Daniel - yes, things have moved a long way Left since Weston - Weston would nowadays be regarded as being on the Libertarian/ Transhumanist Right of the mainstream political spectrum.

(Of course the Libertarians/ Transhumanists are in reality of the Left, not the Right.)

From the persepctive of the Oyarsa, it seems that the dynamism and zeal of Weston's generation is disappearing into the despair and inertia of those who instead of *one* moral law have almost-no moral laws at all; hence are consumed with suicidal self-hatred.

This could be an example of evil defeating itself, as sometimes happens...

30 June 2011 at 21:32

Anonymous GFC said...

This is one of my favorite things in the trilogy and one of the most profound I've read in Lewis, which is saying a lot. This is what convinced me to go on to read the rest of the trilogy (which in some ways, mostly setting, is a bit weird even for Sci Fi). The deep insight into exactly how the lord of this world has bent us is startling, I think it's one of the best expositions of the nature of the sickness of modern (progressive) man in literature.

It is important to understand what's really behind Weston's views. A modern leftist could read Weston's speech here and come away a bitter foe of Weston, believing himself to be different and not comprehending why he's no different than Weston, why his sin is the same. He would do this because most leftists (the outer party type, not the inner party type) mistake appearances for substance.

What's really behind Weston's speech and unites him and his modern leftist counterpart in their hearts is that both desire to usurp the place of God, and to that end both desire to obliterate that in the world that does not conform to the whims of their designs at any given moment. The motivation and method are the same; who the target is at any given time is beside the point. Weston wants to obliterate the other hnau, the modern leftist wants to obliterate traditional culture and its adherents, religious faith, his own countrymen.

The inability to discern appearance from substance is one consequence of a life devoted to lies: sooner or later the amount of time spent in the toxic embrace of untruth will destroy your faculties for discerning truth from falsehood. This is how the evil one bends people, the blind little oyaresu installed in their minds won't let them see the truth anymore. Only a miracle can save such people. It reminds me of another scene from that trilogy for some reason, in That Hideous Strength where Merlin confounds the speech of the members of NICE, tongues that have twisted the gift of speech to the propagation of lies should no longer be able to be understood by anyone.

(This puts the lie btw if you will to the idea of the Noble Lie. Many leftists I know explicitly believe in this - that lies told to a good end can work good in the end, are even necessary to achieving some political goal. You cannot do good by doing evil, and the use of evil tools will corrupt and destroy the one who wields those tools in the end)

30 June 2011 at 22:11

Anonymous TdT said...

When I first read "Out of the Silent Planet" a couple of years ago, when I got to the part where Earth was described as the Silent Planet--and why it was silent--I was electrified.

It is clear to me now that we live in Satan's kingdom--a dark kingdom of lies, where people lie and are lied to, and most like it that way. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. Being in the light is an extraordinary thing, and I am giddy even to be thinking about it.

1 July 2011 at 17:43