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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul, in chapter 12 of Corinthians, also picks up on this idea: of the church as a body with many members, each of which plays a differing but nonetheless significant role. Paul points out the necessity that each part be different; and that this is both inevitable and right.

20 December 2018 at 06:31

Blogger Nathaniel said...

Just admitting my own ignorance here, and understand if you don't want to address it - but how is this different from basically what we have in the Catholic church (leaving out the celibacy aspect)?

It appears to me we have a "head of the household" in the Pope (though he may be a bad father) who we sort of need ultimately to address disputes - we have the "father" of each small family (church). Certainly even good Christian families will often have disputes - maybe come near divorce even. Would we not have the exact same thing as history has shown, with schisms and splits, the need for authority to parse arguments, etc.? I thought that was basically the idea behind (ideal) traditional monarchies, etc. - a natural progression of a family structure.

20 December 2018 at 15:55

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Nathaniel - A real family just doesn't scale-upward like that.

Even with frequent interpersonal interactions (which very seldom happen nowadays), an extended family cannot be extended beyond 1-200 - after which it changes its nature fundamentally. The numbers are smaller with less intense interaction. What you end-up with is just analogous names.

The 'Father' of a million subjects is nothing like the same thing as a Father of his own ten children. Even the 'Father' of an extended family (a 'clan') is qualitatively different from the primary Father.

My point is also that a good family does not have an institutional structure. There is a structure, but it is built around individuals as they are and as they become (with increasing age, different sexes, different marital status, with work and with sickness etc).

This need not ever be formally set-out nor need there ever be 'laws'.

20 December 2018 at 17:01

Blogger Nathaniel said...

Thank you for explaining!

I'm still stuck on imagining this structure. Just my natural experience - even the smallest families have rules (laws?). More than a few families are going to naturally appoint a judge/leader/priest/Bishop to decide among themselves. I can't imagine humans not simply becoming hierarchical over any given time. Maybe the Amish have come close to this - but even among several families they appoint an elder/Bishop who is going to communicate with others (e.g. early Christians/Orthodox), etc.

The Mormons certainly do a great job with family emphasis and breaking down even large churches into smaller groups, and forcing people to work together (unlike Catholics who tend to "church shop" and don't have any required allegiance to a parish, priest, etc.) but even that is all dependent on the hierarchy and respect for the prophets as father figures, etc.

20 December 2018 at 19:42

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...


I don't think such families exist in the world today - but my reading about hunter gatherers (and introspection about what would be natural, and how things seemed to me as a young child) suggests that such things once existed spontaneously. What I am saying is that this is what we can look forward to in Heaven; it is a return, but this time in full knowledge and awareness of the situation.

20 December 2018 at 22:18

Blogger Nathaniel said...

Thank you Bruce. This really goes with our other takes on focusing individually as a Christian, and focusing fundamentally on making good actions and decisions *personally* - our direct relationship with God.

As you say, we can not waste our lives trying to compromise with evil, or save institutions (Boy Scouts, the Church, the West, etc.), or even tie our identity to what bad decisions any group is making, but must simply focus on doing God's will, individually, personally, as best we can each day.

I think I see this is what the Catholic church crisis certainly reveals, it seems timely. Vigano has been threatened with all kinds of legal repercussions, church reprimands, etc. for revealing the Pope's covering up of sexual abuse and befriending predators. It seems each Priest and Bishop is under this false pressure if they wrongly idolize this hierarchy and institution, obeying corrupt and evil Bishops (I think Bonald made a similar argument that seems to wrongly put this sort of obedience to a hierarchy above obedience to God).

21 December 2018 at 17:06