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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Anonymous Adam G. said...

I think I could quibble about some of the details and the implications here, but the big picture you paint has the feel of holiness to me.

22 June 2015 at 16:44

Blogger ted said...

Pretty summarizes the first two commandments well. Bruce, I wonder if there is a way to combine options 1 & 2? The Buddhists have evolved the self-liberation of the self to Nirvana (Theravada) to the Bodhisattva principle (Mayahana) where the individual is to take that liberation to the world. I know some progressive spiritual communities (maybe New Age/New Thought) have explored this to varying degrees, where the liberated self is not impersonal, but a Higher Self that still has a relationship to a Divine Spirit. I know there is still some abstraction here where God may not be seen as Person, but at least it doesn't fall into pantheism.

22 June 2015 at 18:11

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Adam - Thanks - you have emboldened me to post it on Junior Ganymede.

@ted - I don't think they can be combined - but they could be alternated; I think Nirvanah can probably serve as a temporary phase (rest and recuperation) before, or perhaps during, active personal participation in God's plan.

23 June 2015 at 12:09

Blogger Andrew said...

After taking some classes in physics, I came to understand an aspect of the nature of God as the ultimate anti-entropy being.

They (that is, the Elohim), upon the spirit substratum of the universe, from chaos have organized/are organizing/will organize the intelligences and tangible matter to the end that they are eternally, non- or anti- entropically bound to Them and each other. They are bound through the relationship called agape - a love that tends toward order, obedience to divine law, mutual growth, and expansiveness.

24 June 2015 at 19:57