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Anonymous Jay said...

@William Interesting. I am curious if you'd agree with another characterization of what you call hedonic pragmatism as utilitarianism gone awry. I have long seen the problem with utilitarianism, which stems from dialectical materialism, as being that it seperating itself from individual virtue. Virtue being an outward extension of Godly soul qualities. If utilitarianism was somehow practiced in a way that was rooted in virtue ethics/ethos or something deeper, rather than materialism, then the measurable wins/losses of utilitarianism would be better informed by a God focused world-view, in theory. Hope that makes sense; does this align with your concept of pragmatic hedonism?

16 March 2024 at 13:59

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Jay (I assume "William" was a typo?)

You are correct in what you imply: Hedonic Pragmatism is essentially just another term for what is covered by "utilitarianism".

I used to call it that - but utilitarianism is a very abstract term, based on the economics abstraction of "utility"; and, in general it comes with a lot of baggage and seems like a real "turn off!

I think it sometimes helps to try-out a new name that maybe brings out the underlying elements a bit more clearly.

16 March 2024 at 15:01

Anonymous Jay said...

@Bruce Yes that was a typo, my mistake :)

It's a good term. As you said, utilitarianism is fully abstract and materialistic, but this term ties it back to the intrinsic motivations and assumptions.

16 March 2024 at 15:20