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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger My name is Matt said...

I know you've put forward the idea that us moderns are increasingly cutoff from group consciousness. But man, when a post like this and others from the last few days resonate so with a situation I am experiencing, I wonder if perhaps more of that group consciousness remains than we might know. Or perhaps certain factions of evil are coordinating their resources & actions such that posts like these can feel highly relevant and individually applicable across the globe. Either way, worth pondering.

Thank you for keeping up writing like this.

10 March 2023 at 17:40

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Matt - Well, I regard group consciousness as real - and indeed primary.

But we no longer experience it spontaneously (as did earlier Men, and ourselves in early childhood) and it no longer dominates/ overwhelms our behaviour.

(Although it can appear in phenomena such as synchronicity, which is maybe what you have experienced. But most moderns find it easy consciously to write-off synchronicities as meaningless coincidences, to be ignored.)

So, I believe the group consciousness is something we ought to seek actively and consciously; and regard as of vital importance. We benefit from it with 'direct knowing', contribute to it whenever we are 'heart-thinking' (or primary thinking) from our real self.

10 March 2023 at 17:55