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Anonymous JP said...

"Few Roman Catholic churches seem to offer daily mass."

Interesting. Our local RC church has two daily morning masses Monday through Saturday, an additional daily weekday mass during Lent, and six masses on Sunday.

29 August 2012 at 14:11

Anonymous FHL said...

I apologize in advance for speaking such depressing thoughts, but I'm in a very down mood right now. Don't worry, the mood will pass. And I don't mean to burden you with my thoughts; I don't expect any reply to ease my soul and you needn't worry about giving me one. But I must get this off my chest.

Even if the protestants were to take the sacraments, I would still feel queasy.

I feel like I am in the same position as C.S. Lewis was when he wrote in A Grief Observed (paraphrased, perhaps incorrectly, from my memory): “I was not so much in danger of ceasing to believe in God, I was in danger of believing who God was.”

I fear many things, such as my future, my job prospects, what people think of me, whether I will have enough money or health, what will happen to the West in incoming days, and so forth... but my greatest fear is that God may not be who I think He is. That God simply just doesn't get it. That He simply does not understand what we are and what we are like. Lord have mercy on me for saying so, I am certain it is a heresy!

But I often fear (and it not an intellectual fear, not something brought on by philosophy that can be fixed with philosophy- but a deep and ambiguous primal fear felt only in my heart- something I cannot easily get rid of) that maybe God is just far too high above Creation for there to be any understanding between Him and us. Like I will die and I go to Heaven, and I will be miserable. Like I will be told that C.S. Lewis and Peter Kreeft and you are burning in Hell because you all did not attend an Orthodox church. And that I will be told that I must accept this, and that this is good, and that it is I who in my fallen state cannot comprehend goodness, and it is I who is the confused one. And I know I probably sound foolish saying so, I know I am a fool for imagining “what if I find myself in Heaven and everyone else who I considered a good Christian is in Hell?” as if I know I'm destined for Heaven or that I deserve salvation or anything like that, but I wonder: what if I find myself in the position of Lazarus the poor man who looked down upon the rich man pleading to him from the torments of Hell. I could never witness anyone's pain in Hell, and I certainly could not speak to them or give them any lectures, it would be far too much. it would be like a drunk driver blitzed out of his mind pulling his vehicle up to lecture a speeding motorist on why the speeder received a ticket and why it was just that the speeder was the one who got punished while he, the drunk driver who swerved across all the lanes and missed all the stop lights but maintained a legal speed, did not.

I don't know... it's like I think: well if they would let me into Heaven, well then, they must let all Christians in, shouldn't they? Or will they just say: “You were spared by God by His whim and secret knowledge which you do not possess, it was a just and good move, don't be ungrateful and don't complain. Be happy. That is a command.”

I cannot feel joy on command.

I know this is all foolishness, and a sin, but like I said: it's a deep and primal fear. Kind of like my very severe arachnophobia. I can't talk myself out of it, I can't reason myself out of it, and even though I know it is irrational it simply seems to appear out of the blue, seizes me, and takes me hostage.

30 August 2012 at 04:01

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@FHL - we are weak creatures and can be overwhelmed by circumstance, mood, illness - that is why we must have a saviour, or perish. Sometimes there is only seeking, and clinging to the promise that in the end (maybe at the last moment) He who seeks will find. We will get what we want, and the judgment will be contained in what we want.

30 August 2012 at 07:28