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Blogger lgude said...

I have read the interview at the first link and browsed Talbott's writings and they are indeed promising, but I end up ambivalent in a different way. I would probably miss the relationship between epistemology and metaphysics that you see. What bothers me is characterizing computers as somehow different or new ways of remaining unconscious. Nonetheless, I recognize that I have a bigger problem with computers taking too much of my attention than I do with, say, alcohol. I think humans use anything they can find to distract themselves - to pursue their own will and not God's. This is not a new problem at all, just a new form of distraction. I thought immediately of Alypius who Augustine tells us in The Confessions was addicted to gladiatorial spectacle. He resisted it successfully for a time, but fell totally back into his former condition and "revelled in the wickedness of the contest, and was drunk with lust for blood". Tonight I found myself drawn once again to the political spectacle unfolding in Washington DC and came over to this blog to change my consciousness. It worked.

18 May 2017 at 15:24

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@I "I think humans use anything they can find to distract themselves - to pursue their own will and not God's. This is not a new problem at all, just a new form of distraction."

I am much aware of that of God which is within us; so I would not contrast our will with Gods so much as our true will - tha is the thinking of our true/ divine self being Good

- and against this computers/ internet/ and media generally (also superficial or competitive socialisation) create false selves, false, wills, and automatic behaviours... and this is that which is in competition with/ displaces what God wants/ hopes us to do.

Distraction is not just a waste of life (which ourght to be ablout becoming more divine) - it may actually prevent Real life (not least by its implicitly nihilistic metaphysics).

18 May 2017 at 16:05