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Blogger AdamW said...

I recommend a little American book with the wonderful title 'On Bullshit'. The author digs deep into the subtle differences between false utterance and that which in fact has no concern for the truth at all.

13 September 2016 at 09:55

Blogger AnteB said...

When I sometimes, and more often lately unfortunately, doubt the presence of God it is often, perhaps tragically, the immense and obvious dishonesty of our world that helps me believe that there really is a spiritual war going on.
How else would it be possible that we are so uniformly led to believe obvious falsehoods concerning almost everything? As you say almost everyone in the political establishments, academia and media wants us to think things that are counter-intuitive, unnatural and contradictory to what almost everyone before us used to think.

13 September 2016 at 11:11

Blogger Tony said...

"How else would it be possible"

Complicated question. Machiavelli turned the question of politics into a narrow question about how to gain and maintain power. Once you believe him, the end of gaining power tends to justify the means. Add to this the human propensity to seek pride, status, and control, and you end up with sophistical control freaks.

Do you want to be shackled in Plato's cave, merely watching puppets, or to be a Puppeteer? Many people want the latter. I tend to believe it has to do with their functional atheism. Their lives have no eternal extension, so they are afraid of death. With that fear, they have no means of validating their lives beyond what they can achieve themselves.

As they deteriorate and approach death, they become increasingly power-mad. In the end, they are devoured.

One side effect I would like to avoid is being dragged into their Hell with them.

13 September 2016 at 21:14