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"War and the devil"


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Anonymous FHL said...

I'm sorry about the last comments I sent you and I realize now why you didn't post them. I forgot that you shy away from movies that contain violence (which is a very good thing, in my opinion; I should do the same).

But there's something I want to mention but you don't even have to read it past this next sentence if you don't want. But I want to talk about how war has been portrayed in movies, the difference between the infancy of Hollywood and the modern cinema. Specifically the significant increase of graphic violence.

I have never witnessed actual violence in my life; anything I know about war is from books and film. But there was a shift in how war violence was portrayed in film, and it is a very clear shift: the line the sand was the film “Saving Private Ryan.” I once read an interview with a contemporary director, Quentin Tarintino, that stated my exact thoughts: “Spielberg is doing something unheard of with the opening of this movie. When you watch the sequence of the landing, it’s no longer possible to look the same way at The Longest Day, or even Samuel Fuller's The Big Red One... Saving Private Ryan made me aware of some issues raised by the cinema of war that I was unable to ask on my own. The idea that forty men on a boat are exterminated in seconds by a volley of machine gun is terrifying. ”

I saw the movie as a child, and quite honestly, I was not at all prepared for that movie.

Until I saw that movie, I was under the naive impression that war violence was like in all the previous movies I had seen: you get shot, a burst of red blood poofs out, and you gasp your last breath. But that movie was something else; I never imagined that people could actually be torn into unrecognizable bits or that you might not even get to have your last gasp of breath, that you would just stop right then and there.

But then I noticed a change; every movie that featured any sort of violence from then on was the same way: hyper-realistic. Back in the old days, a character who got a shotgun blast to the head would go down holding his head while ketchup-looking blood streamed down. Nowadays, the character wouldn't even have a head to hold on to.

And not just movies, but nonfiction books, fictional novels, and even news reports became much more graphic in their depictions and expositions of violent events.

I can't count the times I've read of an accident recently and heard "He/she was torn in half." I'd never have read that several years ago, when I was a child. They'd never have printed that. I didn't even know people could be torn in half when I was a child!

And so I wonder what the shift was for. Surely, we all know that there have been guns and violence long before film, but yet my generation is probably the most secluded from witnessing actual physical violence so why now do they all of a sudden decide to portray it in such a disturbingly realistic fashion? What's the purpose?

And then I start to think that the reason, the real reason, is to take the spiritual element out of the picture. Back in the old days, when a character died, he would be considered as someone who has departed to the afterlife. You would see his body as if he was asleep, and maybe there would be a scene later where the spirit or ghost of the departed character would return for awhile, to give some important message or hope for the protagonist or something like that. But nowadays, in modern cinema, the last image you get to see of a deceased character is the physical remains of a wrecked body; there is no one there, he has gone anywhere, he is destroyed- can't you see how disfigured his wounds have rendered him? How's he supposed to come back with half his head missing? He's not coming back, that's it, the end. Welcome to the modern “enlightened humanistic reality," all grown-up from those embarrassing your-spirit-lives-on fairy-tales.

I don't know, maybe it's just me, sorry if this troubled or disturbed you, just something I think about sometimes...

13 November 2012 at 08:24

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@FHL - Actually I didn't publish your previous set of comments because by the time I read the later ones you were telling me to disregard the earlier ones. So they cancelled each other out!

13 November 2012 at 14:48

Anonymous JP said...

Apparently, American four star generals are unable to resist the temptations that the Devil sets in their path...

13 November 2012 at 16:17

Anonymous Samson J. said...


Seems like a worthwhile comment to me! :)

13 November 2012 at 17:38

Anonymous dearieme said...

"I never imagined that people could actually be torn into unrecognizable bits": to what do you attribute this extraordinary lack of imagination?

13 November 2012 at 22:32

Blogger Dave said...

Luther's hymn is apropos:

A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing;
Our helper He, amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing:
For still our ancient foe doth seek to work us woe;
His craft and power are great, and, armed with cruel hate,
On earth is not his equal.

Note the 'his' on the last line refers to Satan!

13 November 2012 at 23:50

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Dave - I hadn't noticed that. But many of the greatest Christians - from St Peter onwards - say the same, so I don't see how the devil can realistically be left-out of explanations as a matter of routine.

Of course, talking about the devil sounds silly in many circles: we need practice.

But (like everyday miracles) it is not so much a matter of persuading others as getting this clear for ourselves.

14 November 2012 at 05:38

Anonymous Toddy cat said...

Of course, part of the purpose of all of this graphic violence on the part of Evil is to simultaneously make legitimate violence, such as Just War or self-defense, repugnant to decent men, and to make illicit violence more attractive to those more depraved. In this, it is suceeding admirably, as the growth of agressive war, crime, and pacifism at the same time attest. And no, Petreus is not immune to temptation. Are any of us?

14 November 2012 at 14:46