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Anonymous Anonymous said...

cf the Catholic Encyclopedia's article on eugenics, from 1917:

In dealing with racial poisons, the Church provides the most radical remedies. Against alcohol she sets the virtue of temperance, against white-lead the virtue of justice, against venereal disease the virtue of purity. She provides for proper selection in marriage by setting impediments against unworthy marriages. The spirit life of the married pair and of the children is protected by the prohibition of mixed marriages. The proclamation of banns protects the parties against possible fraud or mistake. The requirement of consent of parents tends to promote prudent marriages. The impediment of a previous engagement unreleased is a safeguard against rash promises and heartless breach of promise. The impediments of consanguinity and affinity are universally acknowledged to have a great eugenic value. Moreover, since the most necessary and most difficult eugenic reforms consist in the control of the sex appetite, the practice of celibacy is an important factor in race culture. It is the standing example of a Divinely aided will holding the sensual passion in check.

8 February 2011 at 14:50

Blogger Uland said...

I'm not sure I can agree with the proposition that modern birth-control movements are not limiting the reproduction of poor, ostensibly leftist voters; black women are aborting their children at an incredibly high rate.

8 February 2011 at 16:43

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@ULAND- The anti-eugenics stance of the New Left dates from the mid-1960s. Things have changed since then. The main left electoral demographic strategy is nowadays to encourage mass immigration of economic dependents.

8 February 2011 at 17:23

Anonymous dearieme said...

"But eugenics is itself bad. Bad specifically insofar as it involves government having a major role in controlling fertility." I don't think that that need be so. I'd settle simply for government refraining from subsidising dysgenics.

8 February 2011 at 23:34

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@dearieme - governments cannot make simple but tough decisions like this for the reasons I explore in this blog.

The reasons run deep: it is an existential malaise, into which we (almost all of us leftists in a leftist secular society) are locked-in by inter-locking beliefs and patterns of reasoning (sound bites, one step logic etc).

So 'we' cannot stop doing simple thing that are harmful, cannot do easy things that would help, keep doing insane things that are almost un-understandable; justify behavior using meaningless mantras...

What chance does one sensible policy have?

9 February 2011 at 05:59

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Some edited comments:

From Obsidian: "...they haven’t figured out how to convince Smart White Women, to forego the elite university experience, the high prestige career experience, the Sex And The City experience, and be cool with popping out no less than three kids, starting around age 21 or so, with Jeremy the STEM Guy. (...) there are enough Smart White People to go around. But (...) the documented fact that no state has ever been successful in getting its so-called better sections, however one may define them, into breeding MORE. They’ve been successful in getting them to breed LESS, but not MORE. No society has been able to pull this off. Not. A. Single. One."

My reply: no modern secular society or group have done this. It seems impossible; and I take this as strong evidence against atheism (something that causes reproductive self-suppression must be harmful, and there is no rational reason to believe atheism is true).

Because almost all societies in the past showed higher fertility among elites (even though it was the lower mortality rates that mattered more).

And even in modern America some religious groups still show the traditional patterns of fertility: notably the Mormons; where family size gets larger, and is well above replacement levels, as education and income increase. This is partly due to the theological perspective ('have as many children as you can'), and partly due to a tradition of self-reliance ('only have as many children as you can afford to rear well without outside help').

Steve Nicoloso - "the New Left has had precious little to say about China's one-child policy. In fact, in certain (mostly Environmental) circles thereof, China is held up as paragon of virtue on this issue."

My reply: Good point, a significant silence. It reminds me of the mass tacit support of nationalist terror groups in, say, Northern Ireland, or among Basques: the mass population agree with their aims, but regret their methods.

9 February 2011 at 06:14

Anonymous a Finn said...

How did "enlightenment" intellectuals started in practice the process of degeneration of society? What was the first necessary process?

They convinced people in power that men are weak, fragile, dependent on many outside things, lost without "enlightened" guidance, etc., contrary to the normal view of men. These "weaknesses" in their various and particular forms made "necessary" various increasing state interventions, supplanting gradually more of the traditional community arrangements of men, and their developing potential. Men being their tenacious selves, it was not enough to describe them to be weak, and to provide increasing and mostly unnecessary state assistance, but to encourage, enforce and propagandize for weaknesses, and to deskill, deinitiate and deinform men, especially in swollen education, so that they are capable of functioning only inside the system and on it's conditions and orders. The whole unholy edifice rests on this pivot without alternative competing possibilities and systems. The whole modern metropolitan environment is arranged to prevent non-system actions.

Notice, dear reader, that you are not at all independent from the system only by making a living in a system job and doing everything you do inside the system.

Hence, the first things to do is to increase skills, knowledge and the psychology necessary to live as much as possible without and outside the system, and a Christian revival. That the former is so hard for people to do is a testimony of soft totalitarianism of the system and the total subversion of competing factors.


State, there never was love, sweetness and magic between us. You couldn't keep your hands to yourself, you never neglected us enough and your processes don't even understand what sorry means. You always infected us and now our lives are radically changed. You lost us:


9 February 2011 at 08:14

Anonymous a Finn said...

There has been discussions about the nature of power lately. The best critique of massive bureaucracy in capitalist or state form that I am aware of:

The writer has imbibed a bit too much from the left, and his solutions are too thin and one-sidedly technical. Other than that, I recommend this. Pdf -form obviously is a raw text containing many spelling errors, but they don't interfere with the information in it. I ordered the book, but it has not arrived yet, so I have not compared the text qualities.

9 February 2011 at 08:39

Anonymous Dahlia said...

I'm a little new to your blog and I love it.

This post is extremely insightful and I agree with everything. What I find exciting and new is this particular point:

"The real reason for the New Left opposition to eugenics (beyond strategic electoral demographics) has nothing to do with preventing the state from imposing low fertility upon the lower orders (after all, the politically correct see no limit to the state's right to control people), and almost-everything to do with preventing the state from enforcing high fertility upon the higher orders - ie. the PC elite."

I never thought of this before, but it is true.

12 February 2011 at 05:54