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Anonymous AlexT said...

Well put Dr. Charlton. This is the main reason i have no real respect for the evangelical/pentecostal strain of christianity. They are very succesful at converting people, but so much of their theology seems so shallow and 'American' that i feel certain it will eventually devolve into ever weirder sects. A bit uncharitable perhaps, but i have never met/read/heard a pastor from any of these denomination that impressed me even in a general way, let alone as a man of God.
If there is to be a real revival, it will have to come from the traditionalist Orthodox/Catholic/Lutheran/Calvinist branches.
Would love to get your thoughts on that.

15 October 2012 at 11:40

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Alex T - I am not sure about this. I myself attend an evangelical Anglican church - but perhaps that would come under the 'Lutheran/ Calvinist' category.

About Pentecostals... I share your reservations, and the potential for abuse and error seem obvious - but I just don't know.

It may be that this is a first step for many, or indeed the best option for others; it may be that the older denominations are too 'dry'.

I am thinking in particular of Africa, and perhaps China where I understand that Pentecostals are the main growth area (?).

The Holy Ghost may work differently in different places and among different peoples.

15 October 2012 at 11:52