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Blogger Jacob Gittes said...

A very cogent little essay, and it gives one hope, actually. Sometimes the more materialistic/atheistic type "truthers" impute far too much genius or cleverness to the demonic forces.
Now, they are clever. They hire the best and brightest dupes they can. My mother would call them "educated idiots." And they are. High IQ, but low discernment. Very few of the intellectual elite (scientists, statisticians, academics) have any real belief in God or the divine. For decades at an accelerating rate, God-beliving men and women have been ruthlessly culled from academia.

The good news is that being cut off from God means that the remaining functionaries are not that bright in real terms, and they are making a lot of mistakes.
These mistakes should yield highest possible numbers waking up or seeing with new eyes.
That may not be a high number in absolute terms, but all we need is a growing contingent of the spiritually aware.

20 August 2021 at 16:00

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Jake - "They hire the best and brightest dupes they can."

There has not been intelligence based hiring since the late 1960s and the introduction and increase of 'affirmative' action, i.e. group-preferences for women and some racial groups.

e.g. this analysis I did a while ago:

This on top of the anti-IQ screening effect of requiring high conscientiousness/ obedience

Then there are the quotas that 'elite' colleges impose to increase the proportion of lower than 100 IQ groups, while putting a ceiling on several higher than IQ groups (especially East Asians).

In other words, if there is one thing that the 'elite' institutions are Not selecting for over the past couple of decades, it is intelligence.

And the other attribute selected-against (by favouring conscientiousness/ obedience) is creativity:

So the most-selective institutions have been select against both intelligence and creativity for many decades. And it shows.

20 August 2021 at 16:41

Blogger Jacob Gittes said...

Thanks for the follow-up. I don't expect you to publish this comment, but for what it's worth, I have good evidence there there was been an actual conspiracy that goes beyond affirmative action and official bureaucracy to weed out the good, the geniuses, the creative. Again, this sort of comment may be going off the rails of your preferred type of comment, but I believe, based on personal experience and data given to me by others that gifted and creative individuals who will not comply or "take the ticket" are actively conspired against, harassed, and sometimes psychologically or physically harmed to remove them from the system.

And it makes sense - why wouldn't demons and their minions do this? It could be as simple as the common narcissistic/demonic trait of seeing a beautiful innocent child playing and that triggering the narcissit/demon to attack and traumatize the child. Such damage builds up.
Then there is the documented cases of MK Ultra victims such as Ted Kazcinski (sp). A true mathematical genius, forever warped by his experiences...

20 August 2021 at 17:47

Blogger a_probst said...

"...the most-selective institutions have been selecting against both intelligence and creativity for many decades."

From your genius famine book, I get the impression that there's less intelligence and creativity to select against nowadays.

20 August 2021 at 18:12

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@ap - Yes, there's that too. The combination explains the tide of incompetence. But even worse is the incoherent thinking consequent upon ingrained, habitual atheism-materialism.

20 August 2021 at 18:31

Blogger JWM said...

Some may look at the current level of chaos, death, and destruction caused by the birdemic, and figure, "Somebody decided to create just this outcome, and went to all the trouble to build an ultra-high tech laboratory in China just to engineer a new virus to do the dirty work. This whole thing was planned from the gate."

Or maybe reckless fools were messing with stuff that should never be messed with. The technicians believed themselves to be amoral functionaries. Not their job to ask why they're creating death.
Once the bug escaped, the jackals, rats, and vultures, in government,media, and med-tech, seized the opportunity to exploit the panic for their own totalitarian ends.

Which brings us back to the first question: Who thought it was a good idea to create the bug in the first place?


21 August 2021 at 04:15