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Anonymous Shenpen said...

Sounds like you are reinventing bits and pieces of Buddhism / Taoism.

I have no idea why Christians and Western thinkers consider personality a good thing, a feature, not a bug. I.e. why don't they see the impersonal higher than the personal, and therefore why don't they think an impersonal absolute would be higher than a personal god?

Spark? A spark of personality? No, a curse of personality. Without personality, we could be perfect, have courage, love, everything. With personality we are petty, in a Christian lingo sinful, committing sins to protect and endear our own selves, because we see the self as separate from the world.

In reality everything good in us is impersonal and everything bad is personal.

Personality means separation. It means I am here, and that is you are there. It means: I like you, because you helped me, I hate that other guy, because he harmed me. This picking and choosing is the essence of personality, and not only a god would not do that, even people on higher spiritual development don't do that.

Courage is impersonal. It means if a body is in danger, I will act to save it unless in endangers other bodies more, no matter if it is my body or yours. Cowardice is personal: it means my body should not be hurt, yours is not so important.

Love is impersonal. Properly spiritual love is like the sunlight shining equally on everyone. Hate is personal. We always find individual, specific reasons to hate people.

Wisdom is impersonal: by being one with everything, by removing the barrrier between the self and the world you know and understand everything. Ignorance is personal - it means your mind is shut off, fenced off, separated from some thing.

Humor, laughing is impersonal. It is about seeing the irony in everything.

A personal god is just the poverty of imagination: even people can be much, much better than personal.

This would be the buddhist view.

5 March 2014 at 14:25

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...


Well, the good news seems to be that if you regard impersonality as higher than personality, the personage of God will give you what you want!

(Although he will be somewhat sad about about your decision.)

5 March 2014 at 16:14