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Blogger William Wildblood said...

A very good analysis. Could this motivation of fear be the reason why women are so much more susceptible to leftist ideology and bureaucratic totalitarianism than men?

24 February 2020 at 14:29

Blogger Ron Tomlinson said...

@William, I think so. The standard female response to a Big Threat is to avoid thinking about it and to stop others from reminding her (by trying to silence them). I know, I feel the same thing myself sometimes. I hear a scary noise and have to overcome an impulse in myself *not* to turn around and see what it is.

But this attitude is fatal when applied across a civilisation. Identifying and solving the real problems *requires* individual men to think about them. Big Brother Bureaucracy can't do it; it can only follow (or pretend to follow) procedure. If talk is censored then it all gets harder. And, as our host points out, giant bureaucracy grows according to its own evil logic, distracting us and itself with manufactured problems.

24 February 2020 at 19:06

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

As the beloved disciple quotes Jesus: the devil is a liar and the father of lies. I think we are seeing a very general strategy of lying, as often as possible - as extremely as possible. The more falseness, the more it plays into the plans of evil.

24 February 2020 at 19:52

Anonymous Dave said...

Lies spread, mutate, and multiply because what's to stop them? Lies are more alluring than truth and are only hindered when believing them gets you killed. (See my earlier comment on vegans, AIDS deniers, etc.)

Roman Catholicism arose in a world that was highly unforgiving of irresponsible behavior. Bad weather, crop failures, plagues, invading armies -- the Church gave people hope in desperate times. Whereas in today's world of carefree abundance, every religion evolves into modern progressive liberalism.

Another factor is that people invent and adopt fashionable beliefs because it shows that they care, but they really don't believe and don't care. Their children, however, raised on these beliefs from birth (looking at you, Greta), actually do believe them, and proceed to carry these beliefs to their logical conclusion.

25 February 2020 at 05:05