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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Modern liberal Christianity is so co-opted by leftism as to be indistinguishable from it- except for silly stuff like miracles. You aren't going to hear anything at most Christian churches you don't already hear in the leftist media, so why bother to go?

20 September 2013 at 16:57

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@dl - Yes, of course. I was talking about Christianity, not what goes on in most modern churches. Indeed, this is one way you can tell them apart.

20 September 2013 at 17:50

Blogger The Crow said...

Jesus talked of Reality. That was his Big Message.
Then people decided to make this thing called Christianity, based upon what Jesus had reputedly said.
This Christianity was at least at one remove from Reality itself.
Christianity is not Reality. Although, ideally, it may point to indications of what Reality is.

20 September 2013 at 23:07

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You aren't going to hear anything at most Christian churches you don't already hear in the leftist media, so why bother to go?

Quite so. After a daily barrage of leftist sentiment heard at work, in the media, and even in the pub, who wants to augment his woes by going to church on Sunday and listening to more politically correct mischief ?

21 September 2013 at 10:43

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Alex - That was why I wrote this

to emphasize that people ought to be strong Christians 'even if' they are not church members or attenders - indeed for some people in some circumstances NOT going to church may be an indicator of genuine faith.

(They shouldn't *like* not going to church, it should grieve them, they should hope to be able to do so - but the reality is that sometimes it is necessary or at least best NOT to go to church.)

21 September 2013 at 11:08