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Anonymous Epimetheus said...

One time, I told some people at work that the MRI studies observing the changes in brain activity based on what people are told to think about proves the existence of the paranormal. Ie. according to these scientific studies, we humans have limited telekinetic powers over the electrical activity inside our skull. The brain is a part of the universe, we can influence electrical behavior in the brain with the mere power of thought alone, therefore we can influence electricity in the universe by the power of thinking alone (the brain is not separate from the universe), all of which meets the formal definition for telekinesis. In short, we already have profound scientific evidence for the existence of the paranormal - and we have done for decades.

To my shock, they vociferously denied the existence of consciousness. We don't think, therefore we don't influence brain activity. Oh well. Maybe I've got something wrong.

13 May 2022 at 12:42

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Epi - Another way to approach this is from the metaphysical assumption that spirit is primary and matter/ the-material is a (later developed) subtype of the spiritual.

For example, minds preceded brains - (see the argument in Owen Barfield's World's Apart).

Therefore it is clear that non-material (not detectable by our perception or by the instruments of science) spirit, such as thinking, can in principle influence matter.

15 May 2022 at 15:32