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Anonymous dearieme said...

By reputation MM was a drinker and could be a bit of a bully. Mind you, if I had spent years surrounded by vacuous telly types maybe I'd have been a short-tempered boozer too.

None of which need have compromised his skill as a translator in the least.

26 May 2019 at 13:55

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@d - MM was Icelandic and lived in Scotland which tends to mean all or nothing, either teetotal or bingeing - as you know (from the latter part of the equation).

26 May 2019 at 17:24

Blogger Francis Berger said...

Each time I start to think of myself as a fairly well-read chap, someone comes along and writes an intriguing bit about a book and author I don't know, and I quickly realize I am not nearly as well-read as I believe myself to be.

On the flipside, posts of this nature inspire me to discover these books and authors I don't know. Judging by what you have written here, I should certainly read some Laxness.

Have you ever been to Iceland? I have always wanted to visit, but the older I get, the less I like to travel - so I might not ever get there at all. At least not in this life.

26 May 2019 at 20:03

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Francis - Yes, I once spent eight days in Iceland, circling it - with a few days in Reykjavik. It was a very memorable holiday. We were fortunate with dry sunny weather and it was Midsummer - I suspect it would not have been so memorable with the more normal, prevalent wind and rain.

26 May 2019 at 22:24

Anonymous dearieme said...

I like what were apparently the early Viking sailing directions for reaching Iceland in the Spring or early Summer.

Sail west, at constant latitude. When you see the whales passing in front of you turn to starboard and follow them.

And so they followed the mid-Atlantic ridge to Iceland.

27 May 2019 at 12:44