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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Francis Berger said...

This is a bleak but devastatingly accurate prognosis of our current circumstances. Totalitarianism is the realm of Satan, but our struggle is not only merely against sin and evil. As you have pointed out on this blog, our true struggle is for religious creativeness - the religious era which has not yet dawned - an era the transhumanist totalitarian plan is actively trying to prevent.

I find many Christians reduce life in this world to negative and imperative purpose. To keep their faith in this totalitarian world, Christians focus only on salvation. Their lives become rooted in salvation from evil. This is a necessary step; it cleanses consciousness, but if no further step is taken, it ultimately impedes consciousness.

As you have often stressed in your detailing of Romantic Christianity, we need to find positive and creative purpose in this world beyond the hope of salvation. Odds and risks notwithstanding, we must take the next step. Collectively this seems impossible now, but individually, it is wholly possible. Our lives in this totalitarian reality should not be reduced to mere salvation from, but more towards salvation for.

Being saved is crucial, but our responsibility must also include building ourselves up creatively in this world.

15 May 2019 at 20:02

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Francis - That's well said. I would add that if salvation was all that was required of us in mortal life, then we would die as soon as we had attained it (so as not to risk lapsing). Whereas we live on... From which we should infer that God requires more of us than salvation, wants us to do more before we die.

15 May 2019 at 20:50

Blogger James Higham said...

There is always the Lord.

16 May 2019 at 03:49