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Blogger Ed said...

This reminds me of a comment in C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters, in which Screwtape instructs Wormwood to get his 'patient' in the "Christianity And" frame of mind, meaning Christianity "And" some other cause. As I recall, Screwtape instructs that the "patient" should become focused on the other cause to the point that Christianity becomes valued solely as a source of arguments for that other cause. And the interesting thing is that Screwtape doesn't really care what the other cause is.

30 May 2019 at 13:51

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Ed - Yes, that's exactly the point. Lewis foresaw the consequences perfectly accurately - but 70 years later we can also know these consequences as a matter of history.

Yet it seems that nearly three generations of experience makes no difference to the 'liberal Christian' mindset; they *still* claim that If Only Christianity would fall into line with current mainstream secular ethics (especially about sex and sexuality), then this would be *exactly* what is needed to revitalise the faith...

30 May 2019 at 14:22

Blogger Francis Berger said...

I like the point you make about politics and reality denial. You're right, the purely political is not real, in any metaphysical sense anyway. Politics stays on the surface and never gets to the depths.

I suppose this is why all purely political attempts to herald in a new world and a new form of being end so tragically. The motivation cannot be sustained. In this sense, subverting religion in favor of politics is not only foolish, but harmful and dangerous.

Would it be accurate to say secular politics lacks creativity? That it amounts to nothing more than rearranging rather than creating?

30 May 2019 at 16:04

Anonymous David said...

What is your understanding of 'the myth of Galileo'?

30 May 2019 at 16:34

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@David - Barfield makes clear (in Saving the Appearances) that Galileo asserted that his discoveries were true; true now and forever - and therefore that his method was The method for discovering the truth. The Vatican said that Galileio's work was a theory that better explained the observations, but was not a total eternal truth. Galileio was wrong and the Pope was right.

@Francis - "Would it be accurate to say secular politics lacks creativity? That it amounts to nothing more than rearranging rather than creating?" I wouldn't put it like that. It does indeed lack creativity; but it does more than merely rearranging. Because its view of reality is limited and distorted, politics-as-bottom-line actively destroys that which is Good.

30 May 2019 at 17:58

Anonymous Karl said...

I agree to your conclusion, but don't think that the problem of primarily political persons is that they are less concerned with reality. Rather the problem is that they lack an anchor that keeps them from shifting their position by adding one comprise after another. They are on a slippery slope and move in lockstep with the Overtone window.

The secular political people that I know, are aware of reality. Most of them don't like the present state of things, but any political move they make is the result of a mental cost-benefit calculation. Therefore there is no line they can't be dragged across. Nothing they will make a stand for. In any political program they have, everything is just a detail that can be bargained away.

31 May 2019 at 08:04

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Karl - good points - and reminds me of something I meant to write as a post, and which will now do so.

31 May 2019 at 08:09