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Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I used to think that being a serious person meant only believing things that were supported by evidence.

What that actually meant in practice was "officially believing" that life had no particular meaning or purpose, that there was no free will, etc. -- all the while living as if I didn't believe any of that at all.

What it really means to be a serious person is to take your own bedrock assumptions seriously -- not to be in denial about them -- and to work out their ramifications as honestly and thoroughly as you can. This can be extremely difficult work, but once you commit to it, things start to fall into place.

Might some of your bedrock assumptions be false? Sure. But if you pretend they don't exist and make up a pretend "philosophy" without reference to them, you're guaranteed to be deluding yourself. What does it profit you to create a thoroughly respectable, "evidence-based" worldview if it's just for show, and what you really live by is a jumble of unexamined (because denied) not-quite-thoughts? Atheism is fake. Not false, fake.

Purify your hearts, ye double minded!

29 May 2021 at 09:19

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Wm - yes, exactly.

If you and I have a good attribute is in, eventually, having followed through on our assumptions. I got to a point (several times) when I was utterly appalled at where these assumptions had led me over a span of a couple of decades. From there it was still an embarrassingly long haul to coherence.

But I think in 2021, things are much more straightforward and these timescales are very compressed.

because evil is triumphant and rampant; if your assumptions are fake, then you will Very Quickly be led into appalling yourself with what you regard as 'good' and 'necessary' - that is, IF you are still capable of being appalled.

29 May 2021 at 09:44