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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger William Wildblood said...

Joseph Campbell's statement also implies another misconception common among modern people who adopt spiritual beliefs. That is, that their new spirituality, as they call it, will make them happier and more fulfilled as individuals. This conceals a back to front motivation in that they are driven by the search for egotistical goals rather than love of God. As we can see from the lives of many of the saints, and as scripture tells us, those who God loves often suffer more the further they progress in true spiritual understanding. This is to purify them of latent self-centredness and bring them nearer to the real God rather than one of their own imagining.

But I think this is probably just what you are saying anyway!

23 October 2017 at 13:13

Blogger ted said...

As we can see from the lives of many of the saints, and as scripture tells us, those who God loves often suffer more the further they progress in true spiritual understanding. This is to purify them of latent self-centredness and bring them nearer to the real God rather than one of their own imagining.

Spot on quote William. I suppose this also why so many spiritual teachers (with an eastern orientation) fall from grace. The sit on the dais in front of their aspirants, and God pushes them off every so often.

23 October 2017 at 16:07

Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

The key thing is not to look at spirituality in terms of how it benefits our temporal existence but rather to assess the material world in terms of what it can teach us about eternal principles of life. God has made the world to give us living parables about justice and mercy, love and obligation. We ought not ignore the evidences before us, but we cannot forget that they are really only symbols of higher truths.

25 October 2017 at 01:23