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Blogger Avro G said...

I read a history once describing how men in the middle ages for much less inhibition about crying in public. It’s as if, by our own standards, we really are more adult than they were, less prone to emotion, more disillusioned. And we would like to think that this makes us somehow more fit that they were. But it turns out that that’s not true. Can you imagine a Wat Tyler, or a Joan of arc, or a Cromwell, or a Washington today? From this generation of meek, mature, rational sheep ?

21 August 2022 at 15:15

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@AG - I regard typical Modern Man as a permanent adolescent, not a spiritually-mature adult. I think negativistic, oppositional adolescence is about as far as we have got - apart from a few individuals.

21 August 2022 at 16:03

Anonymous ben said...

It's an interesting thing to learn your way back into Christianity, having incarnated into a situation where it wasn't given to you. There'll be souls who haven't existed without it from the time when God found them pre-mortally. An unbroken chain from pre-mortal life, to this world, to Heaven.

21 August 2022 at 20:01

Blogger Avro G said...

I should have said "adult."

21 August 2022 at 21:48

Anonymous jasper said...

"If the mortal life were everything - in a context of eternity even the 'best' mortal life would be a futile waste of time..."

Why? I've read your blog for years but this remains very unclear to me. Suppose I have a mortal life of 70 years, including deep personal relationships and personal development. I create some beautiful works of art and think deep thoughts. I love the natural world. Then I die and that's the end of me. While I can understand that, arguably, this life could have been better had it continued for longer, I don't know why it would be "futile" or a "waste of time".

It wasn't futile insofar as I achieved various goals which mattered to me, and which seem to be objectively worthwhile. (For example, loving my family and friends, sharing life with them.) By contrast, an activity is futile only if it can't or doesn't bring about some intended goal. And it wasn't a waste of time since I used my time doing things that had value for me and others. By contrast, I *waste* my time only if I fail to use that time doing something of value. Can you explain what you mean?

22 August 2022 at 20:34

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@j - No, I can't *explain" it; this is the insight of mankind through the ages. It is an 'existential experience.

Men in the past believed in life beyond death (of some sort); and I understand that unconsciously he knew of the ultimate hope which Jesus eventually offered.

Modern Man is the first to have been conscious of his condition and to have deliberately rejected the possibility of life beyond death; and he often asserts exactly as you do - it's easy to say.

...And yet revealed preferences (how Men actually behave) shows quite a different picture.

22 August 2022 at 21:23

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@jasper - If you are still here - I had forgotten that Did *try* to explain why this mortal life is unsatisfactory, in this post...

27 August 2022 at 12:55