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Anonymous Arakawa said...

I think to understand the use for altered states of consciousness, one promising question to look at is synaesthesia, which strikes me as a necessary ingredient. Direct spiritual communication might need to be translated into something perceived by the earthly six senses, at the very least to be intelligible in the retelling.

This may or may not be a factor with divine revelation, where all bets are off, but the lesser spirit communications of the kind discussed by Ramer in Notion Club Papers (, which lack revelatory import, seem to be filtered through synaesthesia of one form or another.

(For instance, the couple of times I've experienced the sort of 'knocking' he talks about, it manifested itself as a musical chord, tinged with far more malevolence than it otherwise would be if played in waking life. But this seems to be an arbitrary translation of the actual phenomenon -- perhaps a defense mechanism by the mind, to signpost a threat in unmistakeable terms.)

22 May 2013 at 11:16

Anonymous Arakawa said...

An additional point to the one I made above being: if a mechanism for most spiritual communication is synaesthesia of something in the soul with some earthly sense, this may fit the pattern of a few true communications among a lot of false ones, with discernment of the true from the false being difficult (and ability of the individual to discern itself wildly varying, depending on how prone they are to this kind of synaesthetic perception without an actual external stimulus).

22 May 2013 at 11:20

Blogger The Crow said...

An altered state is necessary to clear away the powerful conditioning we are all subject to, by default.
Obsessing about that new refrigerator, which tablet to buy, and how to pull that hot chick in Wal-Mart, is not conducive to Divine Revelation.

22 May 2013 at 18:27

Anonymous NC said...

Corinthians recommends doing prophesy as central to church, only behind charity. Charity is well practiced by many Christians, yet oddly pursuing spiritual gifts is not.

There is a heirarchy of spiritual gifts listed in Corinthians. That - and following the guidelines for church and developing spiritual gifts - would be a good place to start.

It's a bit difficult to say that Christianity is in some kind of trouble when so few (or no one) follow the Bible's recommendations to develop spiritual gifts.

22 May 2013 at 21:15