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Blogger Seijio Arakawa said...

I had noted that a lot of the more reasonable academics I've interacted with display an undercurrent of frustration that the next generation is even more careerist than they were, and the way that system is set up, they have no real power to pick better successors. More cynical people 'win' the game while more idealistic people (the kind who would do well at in-depth 'basic' research i.e. real research) depart in disillusion or disgust.

Since that is the feeling of the people who are held up as having survived the arduous selection process to 'win' their 'academic freedom', it is obvious that the only 'solution' to this problem is to de-invest one's ego from continued success within the institution, let alone continued success of the institution.

6 September 2018 at 14:48

Blogger Theramster said...

The world is a saner place because of your witness. There is something stimulating about your writings that is simply lacking elsewhere. This makes me return to them for consolation and intellectual stimulation. You're definitely on to something and this I believe what is so exciting. You're a lonely voice for sure, unique in the kind of songs you're humming, which is truly refreshing. You will sound true, regardless of the clarity of the lyrics which are constantly being enriched and transformed, to everyone ready to hear you because you strike a familiar chord with them.

I think many people are being influenced by you without giving you credit. They reap rewards because they choose to play within the existing system for personal gains. Half truths though are potent lies.

Long term your deeper intuitions will be vindicated.

Christ bless you, Bruce!

6 September 2018 at 18:52

Blogger Tobias said...

The box ticking mentality of bureaucracy is where I have seen careerism at its worst. Regulations, inspections, monitoring, etc., where everything is done to a standard formula, and where the stupid believe they are doing a good job, and where the intelligent realise they are not, but don’t care a jot. The intelligent ones never challenge because they know that if they do make a stand, they will be ignored for promotion, and lies will be told about them. They are ‘crazy’, ‘eccentric’, ‘confused’. These people are the worst sort of human being - content to let things go to blazes, so long as they are OK. A safe pair of hands is always preferred to the maverick with revolutionary ideas; heaven forbid, the ideas might work, and that would be too much of a challenge to the comfort of organisational pointlessness. So, sit hard on the honest, intelligent man, crush his spirit until he complies with the lies, or goes away.


6 September 2018 at 20:27

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Tobias - Cynics make the best bureaucrats - the most cynical people I knew as teenagers or young adults, are now the most docile, craven, Establishment careerists - but still regard themselves as rebels!

6 September 2018 at 21:09

Blogger Unknown said...

Given how messed up things are, what advice would you have for people setting up a new medical research foundation? Assume that the small group of people involved are not beholden to the System and can make funding decisions largely free of bureaucratic interference. (I'm not certain that the foundation could get away with funding Duesberg, but its likely.)

I've read your book on the corruption of science as well as observed the corruption directly from a neuroscience PhD program (thanks to you I was mentally and spiritually prepared when things went bad, so I was able to get two others out of an ugly situation.)

-- Robert Brockman II

6 September 2018 at 22:42

Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

The essential problem is that people in the modern world don't think about death very often, at least not in any realistic way.

For most people in previous ages, encountering reminders of the certainty of eventual death and the possibility of death at any time was a fairly frequent occurrence. To moderns, what is encountered is fiction, or indistinguishable from it. There are statistics about how many homicides or whatever a child will 'witness' growing up through exposure to the modern media, but the problem is precisely that the child knows that these deaths are not real and yet are perceptually indistinguishable from the occasional 'real' deaths that make the news.

Our modern society labels the encounter with death, real and personal and undeniable, as "PTSD" and pathologizes the state of mind of being genuinely aware that death is something that can happen outside of a movie or whatever.

7 September 2018 at 02:17

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Robert - Well I wouldn't! If you want to fund good research, you could only do it from direct personal knowledge of the people involved, without 'competition' (and preferably a strong personal interest in the problems being addressed) - and not by any kind of advertising/ application/ selection process kind of thing.

In other words, you should be a patron, not a foundation.

7 September 2018 at 07:49

Blogger Theramster said...

@bruce @robert
Going back to non-institutionalized discoveries, of intelligence, vocation, passion and patronage. Unfortunately this requires a social setting that values, recognizes and promotes in a personal manner such behaviors. A bureaucracy can't promote anything beyond its own vision, much like a molding machine can't produce a more useful shape. The best it can do is to produce the same shape. In contrast to an awakened person who is personally involved with the work he promotes and its potentialities.In this case the work is a gifted human potential.

So much resources are wasted in higher education and research to simply maintain an overall power structure rather than to promote the production of actual accomplishments by promoting those who can accomplish them.

7 September 2018 at 17:33