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Blogger Francis Berger said...

You have addressed an extremely important point concerning the motivations driving agendas like the GR, BBB, UN 2030. Unlike earlier processes in which growth preceded destruction, contemporary agendas put destruction first (though I am sure the elites themselves frame it as restructuring rather than destroying). I'm not sure growth, in a conventional sense, is even a part of the picture anymore.

An overriding element of sabotage permeates everything today. One need look no further than the current ESG investment mantra to understand that our totalitarian elites are focused exclusively on destroying first. They have made it expressly clear that their vision of a better future cannot come to be unless the present is degraded and destroyed.

At the same time, the elites appear sorely incapable of making their complex and quixotic visions a reality. Not even their thinly-veiled dream of sustained totalitarian control appears viable over the long-term. They simply lack the hard, creative skills to pull it off, which implies they will eventually become victims of their own sabotage.

If this isn't a recipe for the end times, then I'm not sure what is.

23 August 2021 at 11:12

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Frank "At the same time, the elites appear sorely incapable of making their complex and quixotic visions a reality. Not even their thinly-veiled dream of sustained totalitarian control appears viable over the long-term."

Absolutely. If you think back on those imaginary future scenarios from the World Economic Forum mouthpieces (like the "you will own nothing and be happy" piece by the Dutch politician, or anything by Dr Evil); it comes across is that They have almost no real idea of what they are trying to achieve, after the destruction.

And, as usual, what little they do say is 'double-negative' in nature - they dream vaguely about "a world without [fill in the blank]!"

23 August 2021 at 12:09

Blogger Jacob Gittes said...

The fact that most of the masses embrace the destruction of the systems that make their own continued existence possible is a tell, for me, that demonic forces are at play.
In general, and in the past, one could suppose that the masses had at least the survival instincts of animals, and would instinctively want survival.

Now, however, many or even most people I know actively embrace the destruction of their own lives.
I even heard, recently, an old friend and family member use speech that shows he despises his own culture, his own people. Those dumb, stupid white men who created these systems that are quickly being destroyed, that make our lives possible.

23 August 2021 at 14:57

Anonymous JW said...

For the last two centuries Satan and his minions have been parasitizing on various aspects of a more or less healthy social reality - communists parasitized on a semi-capitalist economy, "postmodernists" parasitized on a semi-civilized academic infrastructure, etc. But today there is hardly anything to parasitize on left - today Satan and his minions truly dominate this earthly realm, and the most obvious characteristic of their nature is becoming increasingly apparent - they do not have a shred of creative energy in them, they are purely vampiric and exploitative, and all of their supposedly "constructive" visions are ridiculous imitations at best and grotesque abominations at worst. Thus, we are truly in the run-up to God's Big Show - and that should make us supremely optimistic.

23 August 2021 at 15:33

Anonymous Ann K. said...

Yes! And in my way of thinking, this is what tips the scale to inversion, the point of no return when bitter becomes sweet, light becomes darkness, and so on.

23 August 2021 at 17:42

Blogger A said...

I feel very strongly, intuition or prior conviction, that the peck is associated with the climate agenda which has, in honesty, always been primarily about "pest" removal (i.e. us). I'm not sure what the exact mechanism is, perhaps it comes later as follow-on pecks, but this is best described in the framework you lay out here. It's not clear what is supposed to come after, but it's important we destroy everything, especially people, to get there. The apparent assumption is we'll finally have Utopia for the few saved after all the dirty work is finished.

This has been openly discussed and pushed for many decades: the "problem" is not solved and can't be solved by merely making our lives miserable & reducing the use of modern technology, but the people themselves must go.

You've also outlined this isn't going to work out - not as described or apparently planned. In the framework you've discussed, we might suspect the Sorathic side is taking it "too far" for the plan to work: everything will be destroyed, no special "saved" for the Utopia remaining - while the Ahramaic evil is trying to be slightly more careful about the actual damnation and choice.

24 August 2021 at 16:59