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Anonymous Robert Brockman said...

The Chan / Zen concept of "The True Mind" seems to correspond to your concept of Mind-Thinking. Similarly, the Zen notion of "ordinary mind" with wandering thoughts and such seems to correspond to your concept of Brain-Thinking.

In this context, Brain-Thinking has all sorts of noise that makes it not line up with true reality: evolutionary biology based biases, personal corruption, mass media garbage, simple cognitive errors, etc.

The Zen claim is that the True Mind / Mind Thinking is like a perfectly clean mirror that reflects reality with perfect fidelity -- the True Mind IS reality. Zen goes on to claim that fortunately we all have access to the True Mind, but unfortunately there is a lot of "dirt" on our interface that needs to be removed. Apparently many strategies for removing this dirt exist, what works best differs from person to person, but unfettered personal access to the True Mind is possible for humans.

I'm pretty sure that your idea that Thinking has reality independent of the brain is on the right track. This would seem to imply that Thinking was happening before brains evolved, thus suggesting the existence of a Mind before that time.

The big question now is: what is the nature of the interface between Mind-Thinking and Brain-Thinking? Assume that your recent Thinking about Thinking is true and that the source of these true ideas is Mind Thinking. These true ideas somehow made it into your brain and then out over the internet to me, even though these systems have lots of noise.

Or did they? For me to know whether or not your words are True (and to distinguish them from the rest of the Mass Media noise), I would have to compare them to my own Mind-Thinking -- which, being reality, is directly connected to your Mind Thinking. In this model, the words move through the brain / internet, but the *information* (understanding? insight? wisdom?) moves between Mind(s) directly.

23 August 2017 at 20:42

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Robert - On metaphysical principle, I think I must be saying something different from Zen Buddhism - which would surely regard my-real/divine-self as an illusion; whereas I regard it as eternal and (to some extent) uncreated.

24 August 2017 at 06:52

Anonymous Robert Brockman said...

The C'han / Zen monks I have been interacting with seem to consider the True Mind / Mind Thinking to be real and Brain Thinking / biological perception / biological cognition as illusory. They also make the interesting claim that although all individuals possess the ability to manifest the True Mind, each instantiation of True Mind has some distinctiveness: there is a sense in which each Mind is the same, but also a sense in which they are different.

These monks definitely consider the True Mind to have persistence, operating both before and after death. I have not encountered any Zen teachings regarding the creation or destruction of True Mind, indicating that they may consider it to be uncreated.

24 August 2017 at 11:19

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...


But, my understanding is that if they say:

"They also make the interesting claim that although all individuals possess the ability to manifest the True Mind, each instantiation of True Mind has some distinctiveness: there is a sense in which each Mind is the same, but also a sense in which they are different."

Then what they *mean* is that insfar as they are different - they are living in illusion: there is only one True Mind. That is the basis of Buddhism and of Zen - all individuality is illusion, ultimately.

24 August 2017 at 12:54