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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Anonymous JP said...

A classic case is people who say they are "multi-tasking" when they're watching TV or working their phone while they do something else - when really they're being distracted from the "something else" by the TV or the phone (or both!).

25 August 2014 at 14:22

Anonymous John K. said...

As I am currently looking at my Facebook profile, I cannot remember the article; yet I recall a study that looking into the average efficiency of humans' completely multiple tasks. The baseline was one task where, by definition, the average person could accomplish the task at 100% efficiency. The study examined relative efficiency over two or more tasks. As I remember, and all kidding aside, the average human essentially falls apart trying to concentrate on doing somewhere between two to three tasks. In other words, we are, on average, at 100% efficiency when we are focused and typically drop to about 0% efficiency just by adding one or two tasks. This is why we tend to prioritize taks when faced with two or more tasks vs. 'multi-task'. In short, your comment made me smile because it has been well known some time ago that there really is no such thing as efficient human multi-tasking, and people who claim to be, and as you point out, are stating something that only someone who has seen the Easter Bunny or a happy and nice cultural Marxist could possibly state. That is, it is an oxymoronic comment in and of itself.

25 August 2014 at 15:49