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Anonymous Ed said...

Would "watchful waiting" be a good term for this approach?

20 February 2024 at 16:22

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Ed - Yes - that's half of it.

But we must also be sure to take an active attitude to life (as I say here: ).

So we need to wait watchfully, but in an overall context of regarding our life as spiritual, as active; therefore as a spiritual quest.

20 February 2024 at 16:33

Anonymous Colin said...

Thanks Bruce. Helpful.
Something I have been reflecting on in recent weeks.

I like ‘Golden Minutes’. Along with thinking I include other minutes/moments such as co-creating and being present with others, and sensing God more than normal.

And the rest of the time - endeavouring for minimal optimal handling of functional living. To be ready and available as you say.

21 February 2024 at 09:49

Blogger Days of Lot said...

This really resonates. Since adulthood I realize I've been going for optimal efficiency. As a child I may have experienced more golden minutes because I wasn't trying to fill every moment with activity. Being busy all the time is praised these days, but I can sense that life isn't supposed to be lived this way. This is one of my favorite posts you've ever written -- thanks for sharing your wisdom.

21 February 2024 at 22:37

Anonymous Bonald said...

This is helpful, because I have been thinking about something related lately. I sometimes feel frustrated that I am not throwing myself whole-heartedly into some grandiose "big project", but use up most of my time either in short-term father or faculty duties or in what feels like fumbling around because I'm not sure what I should be doing with my life, to the extent that I have freedom to direct it. However, I have begun to suspect that this is the wrong way to see things. If God wanted each of us to order his whole life to a specific task, He would surely communicate this task clearly and early on. Presumably the struggle to figure out what to do is an experience He intended for us, so it must not be time wasted.

22 February 2024 at 04:48

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Colin and TtL - Thanks.

@Bonald - "Presumably the struggle to figure out what to do is an experience He intended for us, so it must not be time wasted."

Yes. I think I got this from Arkle - the insight (as I regard it) that the world seems to be set-up to reveal God's preference that *as much as possible* we work-out things for our-selves.

God can, and does, step-in with direction and guidance when necessary - but it seems like this is a second-best from the divine perspective. Plan A is (apparently) that we are allowed to make mistakes and muddle our way towards truth.

22 February 2024 at 11:57

Anonymous G said...

Good. My comment:

22 February 2024 at 19:49

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Thanks, G.

22 February 2024 at 20:19