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Blogger Dexter said...

The first time I visited Scotland was as a college student in the mid 1980s. I stayed with a Scottish man who was an old friend of my mothers. The first night I was there, he subjected me to a long anti-English tirade. I was somewhat taken aback, because the man knew (a) I was raised in America, so why would he think I cared about this, (b) he knew my parents were English, so why would he think I was sympathetic to this, and (c) I knew that he was only telling part of the story, because Scotland had, after 1700, derived great benefits from association with England and had been a senior partner in conquering and maintaining the British Empire.

Clearly, the tendency you identify here has been around for a long time.

20 March 2019 at 13:33

Anonymous dearieme said...

I was appalled at the rude things said about Sheffield City Council recently. On St Patrick's Day they had chosen to fly the Welsh flag.

Seems fair to me: Patrick was a Romano-Briton, and the nearest available approximation thereto is yer Welshman. But did anyone compliment the Sheffielders on their historical knowledge, judgement, and courtesy? No, the ignorant louts who dominate the media shouted abuse at those scholarly gents. Poor show!

20 March 2019 at 16:04

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@d - One theory (the one I choose to favour) is that he was a Cumbrian 'Briton' - from somewhere near Birdoswald (is that the one you reference?) which would count as English nowadays, in my book...

The same area may have been (says Michael Wood) the site of Arthur's last decisive battle ('Camlan) - if we accept the unity of an Arthur, and if such a battle happened.

20 March 2019 at 16:17

Blogger James Higham said...

Yes but Bruce, it has always been:

It's in the lyrics. Meanwhile, I agree with you in many ways on it:

21 March 2019 at 10:41

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@James - It's a fine song - it's the modal-esque flattened seventh (on 'think') which makes it stand-out, I think...

21 March 2019 at 10:56