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Anonymous Bruce B. said...

I can remember my early adolescent objections to Christianity. The upside seemed great but the downside was that God tortures people eternally with fire if they fail and that was something I didn't want to accept. In my mind I settled on something like apocatastasis as how things would work if God were just.

The idea of state of impersonal, mindless bliss never appealed to me. The idea of being surrounded by those you loved in life was always appealing to me.

17 December 2022 at 13:58

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@BB - I regard your experience (and some similar ones of my own) as a further indication that nowadays people need to take responsibility for discovering *what Christianity is*; rather than getting it from 'other people' (associated with some church or another) - who likely have some wrong ideas, and are increasingly likely to be dishonest and corrupted.

17 December 2022 at 14:29

Anonymous ben said...

It's hard to remember but I think the idea of ahrimanic evil was important for my conversion - to model myself as subject to a form of evil magic that makes you feel like the world is dead, rather than continue to assume I was above delusions that simple people used to be subject to. To think of myself as having atheism, rather than lacking Christianity.

And I think there's something to the idea that atheists *know* about God and Jesus, having known them directly in a pre-mortal setting, and then probably perceiving them to some degree in this world. The problem is being unable to *believe* in God and Jesus, their system of beliefs being unable to accommodate that belief. It seems that way in hindsight.

Atheists kinda know who's being talked about when they argue against belief in God, funny enough. It seems many also avoid directly verbally rejecting or insulting Jesus, and when they do, they do it gratuitously as though they know they're crossing a line. I think that affection or respect is being carried over from before.

This whole business reminds me of this man (sorry to link a video):

He has familiarity with individuals, but no memories of events involving them.

17 December 2022 at 16:54

Blogger Rohan said...

Hi Bruce ... I can't help but notice that every devoted Christian that I have met has had some kind of personal divine revelation in their life i.e. a spiritual experience that made them feel that God values them.

In my opinion, Jesus made some very bold claims that God values the well being of people and better yet one can also influence their destiny through repentance and love. This was as you say in your post, an upgrade on their traditional beliefs.

But I cant but help also feel that the divine is mostly unresponsive to the vast majority of people. No divine revelation and no unmerited blessings to fall back upon or be a foundation for their beliefs. Most let go off Christianity because they cannot see its effect on their lives.

Were the vast majority people set up to fail by Jesus, Christianity and the church over-promising?

20 December 2022 at 12:19

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Rohan - We may not agree exactly about what Christianity essentially is, and what Jesus promised.

To my mind, the core and promise is of eternal resurrected life.

There are secondary promises - such as that the Holy Ghost (who is, precisely, the spirit of the ascended Jesus Christ) is there for our spiritual guidance and comfort.

But such guidance and comfort is aimed-at life beyond (biological) death. In other words, (in truth, in reality) I don't think Jesus made any promises about improving this mortal earthly life for everyone who follows Him.

20 December 2022 at 12:52

Blogger Rohan said...

Hi Bruce

Perhaps I should list a few verses where I believe Jesus was promising his followers that they could influence 'divine providence' in this earthly life. Sure he did also talk about eternal life but Jesus seemed to indicate that man could attain his desires if he kept God's will in mind. I.e. if one prayed, loved and repented, God would reward them in this life with whatever they explicitly desired. The verses below... So my question is that did Christianity and Jesus over-promise to Man? And is that why modern man cannot accept Christianity?

P.s. I have read about romantic Christianity in your posts

* And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. 
* Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
* Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
* If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it

20 December 2022 at 16:10

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Rohan - You will have to discern whether these quotations are valid and accurate, and what they were intended to mean.

It seems to me very obviously incoherent nonsense to believe that Jesus really told Men that they would get anything they asked for in prayer, if that is meant in any kind of bald and literal sense.

Or, if Jesus really did say and mean anything so readily refuted by experience - then he was obviously wrong about something vastly significant, and this would invalidate his claim to be divine.

For myself, I don't hold with trying to build up my understanding of Jesus from examining verses (especially not in the Synoptic Gospels, which were based on hearsay, and contain many errors to my mind).

I try to understand Jesus in a much more 'holistic' sense; looking across the whole Fourth Gospel, and for simple matters that were repeatedly dealt with. Of the Fourth Gospel quote from above:

"If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it"

This comes in a passage where Jesus seems to be instructing his disciples how they may spread his message, and that they will be granted miraculous spiritual gifts - so long as what they seek is in full accord with Jesus's will.

To live and be motivated in harmony with Creation is far more than a matter of "if one prayed, loved and repented"; which is a kind of external 'formula' - and perhaps is only attainable briefly, and intermittently.

I don't see that it has anything to do with a promise to grant what we wish.

20 December 2022 at 17:11

Blogger Serhei said...

I appreciate (and commiserate with) the ironic symmetry of your experiences. It strikes me that, as an atheist, you were beset by Christians attempting to prove to you that you were actually-secretly-a-Christian. Now, having become a Christian, you have Christians attempting to prove to you that you are actually-secretly-not-a-Christian. You know the type....

Not all Christians are this silly of course, only the ones that are fond of Logic and proving things.

20 December 2022 at 23:14

Blogger Rohan said...

Bruce, I see what you mean now! That whatever Jesus promised about must only be read from an afterlife or co-creative perspective.

I'll admit that the primary reason that I came to Christianity 10 years ago was because I was chasing material blessings from the divine which as you wrote only intermittently comes about.

Im not entirely giving up on Jesus's influence in our material lives but am now more accepting of sorrow and unfulfilled potential.

I just feel sorry for the vast amount of traditional Christians whose faith is built upon God finally healing of them of their disease, providing a well paying job or delivering an unrepentant family member. Eternal life is a far too distant concept to think about when their minds are suffering from immediate concerns.

Its even harder for the liberal atheist whose mind is focussed on immediate social change.

21 December 2022 at 04:49

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Serhei - Another is the people who themselves believe that those who do Not want resurrected eternal life are, nonetheless, Christians.

This situation has arisen exactly because the churches (and this began very early) lost hold of the core of Jesus Christ's message; and got distracted by issues such as redemption from specifically *moral* sin, the supposed Second Coming, and trying to build Heaven on Earth via the Church.

This even applied to CS Lewis! Who said that he became a Christian before he came to believe in eternal life - and indeed something similar applied to me, as well.

Yet, what this means is that we were not really (or were only partly, and that part inessential), Christians until after we came to believe and desire resurrected life eternal.

21 December 2022 at 06:45