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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger lgude said...

This post reminds me of how naturally resistant I am to being told there is 'nothing else'. Perhaps I may be deluded but I just never could accept Kant's assertion that we could never know the thing as such. Whatever you think of Kant I take you to mean that we can indeed know the thing as such. Directly. And it has always been obvious to me for some reason that St Paul was right when he said 'we shall know even as also we are known." I've felt strongly that was true ever since I nutted out what 'Through a glass darkly' meant when I was a kid. I'm not conscious of making metaphysical assumptions when I have that kind of reaction - positive or negative - but I believe it is something very close to what you mean by primary thinking and direct knowing. My favourite discussion of metaphysics is Robert M Pirsig's in Lila. I suspect your milage may vary on that one, but he is the only modern philosophers I genuinely enjoy reading. Another philosophic problem I could never accept as real is the old saw about tree falling in a forest. I grew up in real forest and often found huge fallen trees in the spring after the snow had gone. I hadn't heard them fall and probably no human did, but the squirrels sure heard them! But it was Bishop Berkeley who I read fairly recently on the subject who said - "God hears it". To which I say : YES, and that is all that really matters.

15 January 2018 at 11:12

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Igude - I have never been interested in or impressed by Kant - indeed, my overall view of philosophy (as philosophy) is that the field progressively fell to pieces from Aquinas onward. i.e. if you want ot base you life on philosophy (which I don't) then you ought to base it on Aquinas, for reasons given by Alasdair MacIntyre in After Virtue (for example).

re: Pirsig - I very much like Zen and the Art as a book, although it argues for a kind of Pragmatism; but I did not enjoy Lila, so never could get to grips with its philosophical arguments. But they were a half way house (omitting God) so I know I would not find them adequate.

15 January 2018 at 11:53

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15 January 2018 at 12:16

Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

"Because perceptions, and feelings force-themselves upon us - and we are used to being compelled to accept abstract models on the basis that 'there is no alternative' - it seems artificial, contrived, dubious for us consciously to choose-to-assume the fundamental basis of our reality; to assume the nature of reality."

I think that more than just the environmental factors, the basic nature of humans is in play here. Yes, experience and Zeitgeist conspire to make us leery of simply choosing our metaphysics, but that is because for humans it is not a matter of what you believe so much as whom. Humans are generally not survival fit as individuals by virtue of adequate problem-solving intellect, only a tiny percentage have that ability and only a fraction of those are entirely survival fit in other ways. Humans are social because the vast majority cannot survive without a working community, and even those who can have a thin time of it. From a purely logical standpoint this is a highly dubious and regrettable state of affairs, because it continuously raises the issue of appeals to authority.

But from a religious perspective it should trouble us little as long as we acknowledge that God, the source of the possibility of Direct Participation, is Personal, and our choice to accept or reject His authority is therefor also intensely personal.

16 January 2018 at 14:31