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Blogger Nico's Way said...

The ruling classes are not evil, they are moral eugenicists. I believe they have a relationship with what people call God far more profound than anybody else due to being so high up in the human hierarchy. It is this relationship they have, and not various conspiracies, that gives them their power. Godless people would have no hope managing millions of other people.

On occasion, they are pricked by God's conscience and INTERVENE. These interventions follow a very similar pattern. This is one of those occasions as were WW1 and WW2, and all pandemics throughout history. All of them are moral in nature, and have nothing to do with nation v nation.

16 July 2023 at 23:25

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@JW - You need to be clearer about what You regard as a definition of evil.

To me; evil is a negation: it is *opposition* to God and divine creation, to the divine 'plan' for things.

Therefore, as of 2023 (although Not always nor in all places) the global ruling class are evil, because the oppose God's creation (in multiple and various ways). There relationship with God, insofar as it exists, is to deny the reality, authority, or rightness of God.

This is why - increasingly - the values of the ruling classes are *inversions* of Christian values - inversion is the ultimate expression of opposition.

17 July 2023 at 07:44