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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger William Wildblood said...

I think the problem with all these modern specialisms you talk of here, Bruce, from law to science and including all the rest, but especially the media, is that none of them is concerned with truth or reality but only with appearance of truth and reality. So they are all dishonest.

20 December 2017 at 10:57

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Yes William - They superficially-pretend to high (albeit restricted) ideals, but this is false (often explicitly so, in internal communications).

Honesty can be like a negative-feedback on error - the pendulum tends to swing-back; but habitual, systematic dishonesty allows for endless wrongness; and the pendulum swings in one direction until eventually it flies off the hook...

Nonetheless, even the most honest and well motivated specialist system is incomplete and will sometimes be dangerous - if uncorrected by a total, unsystematic world-view; which can only come from individual persons.

20 December 2017 at 11:31

Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

The fundamental problem isn't that they are pervasively dishonest, but why.

Basically, the substitution of procedure for human judgment is designed to make it possible for people to hold and exercise power despite a lack of any particular genius for independent thought. This is analogous to why rap and other forms of non-music have become standard throughout the music industry, while the infliction of dysthetic (with its destructive effect on the sense of beauty that is a great aid and motive for seeking inspiration) is an evil in itself, it is not the motive for most of those going along with it. For most of them, the elimination of the most technically difficult aspect of being celebrated in a field is for the purpose of elevating to popularity based on connections and allegiances rather than ability.

This is also the point of a bureaucracy, to make it possible for the people with the right friends and loyalties to be installed in positions of power, despite a lack of problem-solving intelligence.

20 December 2017 at 14:24