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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Francis Berger said...

"We are, indeed, now returned to a situation much closer to that described in the Fourth Gospel, during the life of Jesus."

I agree. I firmly believe that the motivation to return to some form of externally, socially defined form of Christianity -- however well-meaning -- actually works against God in terms of what He desires for us via consciousness. Simply put, it ignores the call of God.

That does not rule out the possibility of some kind of Christian community in the future, but that possible development hinges on how Christians respond to the situation in which they find themselves now. Also, such potential communities will inevitably be very different from the communities, states, and Christendoms of the past. If they turn out not be, we'll know for certain that we did not answer God's call and instead got hung up on traditional concepts of sin.

Your point about combining (or mixing) different stages of consciousness is incisive in this regard. I sense that all or most "forms" of consciousness exist or have existed simultaneously within man throughout history (they are all innate within us -- they don't just appear out of the blue via external sources), but that only one of those forms dominates for a given time while the rest remain faint or inaccessible as consciousness unfolds -- hence "stage".

No form of consciousness is wrong or bad in and of itself, but it has the potential to be bad if it dominates at the wrong time (or, of course, if it actively chooses to reject God). I believe this is where we are now. Christians do not recognize or cannot accept the "Fourth Gospel situation" and try instead to cling to a different religious consciousness.

15 March 2023 at 10:53

Blogger Ilo said...

do you think it is possible to follow Jesus without knowing one is doing so? I mean this: many are put off by the inconsistencies of the church teaching due to the new consciousness; others are put off by the absolute betrayals of Truth, Beauty and Goodness by the churches; and others are simply not sensible to the type of arguments and picture of Christ that is inherited from the past. Yet, many of these - despite any faults on thinking or willing or feeling - are on the side of Good and Truth and Beauty. I see many young neopagans who have a kneejerk reaction to Christ, and yet they can distinguish Good from Evil in the modern world, in the institutions, etc. They pass all the litmus tests, but they are either rabid antichristians or just indifferent towards Christ, thinking He is maybe like Krishna, or like the Buddha.

and related to this: is there any way to help such people consider Christ under a light that is not the conventional one?

thank you,

15 March 2023 at 11:04

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Frank - I suppose that the 'crunch' will come for trad/ throne & altar type Christians; when their institutions leads them away from the simple essence, and makes them prioritize institutional or symbolic factors at the cost of 'the things needful'.

15 March 2023 at 13:15