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Blogger William Wildblood said...

Very well said. Could I just add as a comment that intuition will often be pressured to compromise but that pressure should be resisted even if it makes you appear to the worldly mind a bad or mad person. The opposite temptation is pride in going it alone and being one of the few to stand against worldly evil but that is another trap which we should be aware of. It's the old story of having to steer carefully through two opposing evils.

26 May 2020 at 12:56

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@William - Ideally we steer-between and -through.

In practice, under pressure of time etc. we *will* make mistakes - and then the main thing is that we acknowledge these mistakes, and repent them. Our later intuition will identify where previous ideas were not true intuitions, where we ('deliberately') mistook rationalisation, hedonism or passivity for intuition.

It is terribly hard to live by intuition (especially when, as usual, it goes against the mainstream ideas) - and often we are compelled (or required) to construct fake reasons to rationalise intuition; and since these are fake, they seem pretty feeble!

Intuition itself requires a belief in God, and probably only a particular understanding of the Christian God makes real sense of the goodness of intution - otherwise it becomes blended-with instinct, gut-feelings and impulses; which makes intuition into something merely selfish, short-termist, pleasure-seeking.

I spent a long time clarifying for myself the nature of intuition (with help from Arkle and Steiner especially - the process of which was spread across this blog) before I felt confident about it.

26 May 2020 at 13:10

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This view gives me hope. Orwell wrote along the same lines, about the mind being the only refuge from Big Brother. He wasn't a Christian, though (or spiritual at all), so his worldview was lacking in that sense, though he was right on with most of his predictions.

26 May 2020 at 23:16