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Blogger William Wildblood said...

This is exactly my understanding. Having, if I may say so, experienced both methods, I would say experiencing the supernatural in visions, communications, mystic trances etc is a passive thing while direct knowing is the soul actively engaged with God, and starting to become godlike itself. It's something like the difference between floating along on a current and swimming.

27 March 2020 at 10:21

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@William - "It's something like the difference between floating along on a current and swimming."

Thanks, very helpful.

Perhaps I should have added something to the effect that God most wants us to meet him half-way, so that the process of contact is active on both sides, chosen on both sides.

This is why contact with the divine does not *happen-to* people any more (or only seldom); and also that when it does it is of a different nature.

However, people often want and expect old style 'communications', and fail to recognise or explain-away the adult, voluntary, freely consented contact that happens nowadays to those who seek it with a valid motivation...

But far too many people seek contact with God for assistance in pursuing worldly schemes for personal gratification! And are disappointed Not to get such help! *That* was me at various stages in my life. It was a lesson I needed to learn and it took several cycles of experience before I learned it.

27 March 2020 at 10:32