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Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

That hit home. Thank you!

23 June 2016 at 06:45

Blogger William Wildblood said...

Yes, I agree with the previous commentator. We all know that lying in the public forum is universal but most people don't really admit that to themselves and still listen. Why? It can only be because we assume it's always been like that but I don't believe it has, certainly not to the extent it is now. We assume this and accept it seemingly without regret because we don't believe there is any absolute truth. Everything is conditional, everything is relative. Because we have denied God, who is the source of all truth, we are happy with lying.

23 June 2016 at 11:10

Blogger Hrothgar said...

I would suggest it has much to do with the unique susceptibility of the modern ego (or conditioned false-self) to flattery. Generally when people are being lied to, especially by high status persons, they are also being flattered by them - and it seems to me that the positive, fuzzy, warm feelings this flattery inculcates in them helps to suppress any residual desire to seek truth (which perhaps they fear might be hard, sharp, and bitter by comparison).

If this impression is correct it is then worth asking: what is it, exactly, about the modern self which makes it so susceptible to this flattery? I would suggest that it is precisely because the ego of contemporary Western Man is a false, unstable construct, which sits on no firm foundations, just the ever-shifting, treacherous quicksands of fashion - and therefore needs constant reinforcement (partly intellectual, but mostly social) in order merely to hold together. Feel-good positive affirmation is therefore sought at every opportunity - indeed the desire for it is insatiable in such a person.

Conversely anything which is likely to provoke bad feelings (or threatens cherished assumptions) - which in our present climate of mass delusion any form of Truth almost inevitably will - is sensed as something which not just fails to give the desired reinforcement, but threatens to undermine the whole rickety structure of the false-self and tear it apart. Truth is too strong and stimulating for such underdeveloped and sickly appetites - it threatens to overturn and disintigrate the very identity of the willfully deluded - so it is not really too surprising that they resist it so desperately and choose instead to remain in moral infancy, sucking down the pablum of comfortable, safe, bland, filling lies instead.

I'm inclined to see the current fashion for suppressing feeling with "antidepressants" as fulfilling much the same function (since our host has expertise in this area, I wonder what he thinks of the notion). It may be significant that many people in our society seem only able to attain true maturity after some form of mental breakdown and subsequent recovery (medically diagnosed or not). If the schema I've suggested here is correct, this may represent the overthrowing of the false-self through which identity was previously maintained, and the subsequent construction of a new, more genuine self, more in touch with reality than the previous one, and hence less threatened by truth. Most who have gone through this experience seem relatively open to religious and especially "spiritual" phenomena too, which again I think may be significant.

23 June 2016 at 14:09

Blogger Chent said...

Admitting the truth -> Having to conform to the truth -> Having to give up guilty pleasures or having guilt when enjoying them

Fooling themselves -> Thinking what they do is right -> Enjoying pleasures without guilt

Western civilization, after Enlightenment, can be summarired as "the flee from guilt"

23 June 2016 at 14:26