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Blogger William Wildblood said...

I have felt more and more these last few weeks that the end of the world is nigh. Not literally but the collapse has probably got underway. The recent absurdity in the British political world is one indication but only one obvious one among many. There is the doubling of energy bills but also niggling problems everywhere. Recently in my own life initially small problems have become bigger and personal difficulties mount up one after the other. I feel that this helps to provide a kind of protection in that one becomes so used to things going wrong that it ceases to matter when they do.

20 October 2022 at 09:44

Anonymous Laura said...

Ditto. A brief (30 second) power outage in my home and I’m saying “Is this it? Is this Fire Nation?”

20 October 2022 at 13:09

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@W - "I have felt more and more these last few weeks that the end of the world is nigh."

I had this feeling a couple of years ago, and it didn't happen - but one day this feeling will be correct (in some way); and I fully expect Your impressions would be more valid than Mine (me being a bit excitable and moody).

@L - It's interesting that we share this kind of spontaneous reaction - just so long as we don't panic in consequence!

20 October 2022 at 15:42

Blogger jana gatien said...

I feel the imminence of collapse as well. Some moments, however, it is tricky for me to discern between my desire for "collapse" (which would, God willing, bring some of us closer to reunion w the Father and Christ) and actual premonition of collapse.

20 October 2022 at 16:15

Blogger William Wildblood said...

Oh, I can be excitable and moody too! I'm not saying i think the end really is nigh but if the process involves ebbing and flowing we may be in a flow phase at the moment. Possibly we are just being prepared for when it really does take off.

20 October 2022 at 17:06

Blogger R.J.Cavazos said...

Much of this for you Dr.C is no doubt a consequence of being a highly intelligent man prone to thinking, seeking patterns and connections. But alas, soo much thinking at times brings us equal measures grief, joy, insights and grave errors. Occupational hazard I suppose.

20 October 2022 at 18:30

Anonymous ben said...

Had a similar thing several months ago with local power outages. For a while I was wondering if it was a major event and what one would do if it were.

20 October 2022 at 19:42

Blogger Lucinda said...

When my mom had discovered she was going to die, and she couldn't get out of bed herself, one night she awoke and her computer touchscreen wouldn't register her finger movements, and she convinced herself she had become a ghost. Then morning came and my brother went into her room and helped her fix her computer.

She had several months of going to sleep wondering if she would awake. I spent those months saying goodnight to her, wondering if she would pass in the night, peaking in every morning cautiously saying hello. It went on for long enough, that I don't actually remember the last time I said goodbye. I tried to make every time count.

I think there is a kind of holiness in such expecting because of the feeling of powerlessness, yet trusting in God's goodness.

20 October 2022 at 20:23

Anonymous Epimetheus said...

I've honestly felt that you were rather too apocalyptic in the last few years. I chalked it up to your living in England, which looks to be in awful shape from where I stand.

Hopefully, God buoys the overall human race using the ascendant nations in the East and prevents a total collapse. It's hard to know what's really going on in the world.

20 October 2022 at 22:39

Anonymous Lady Mermaid said...

@Lucinda That is a touching story about your mom. May the Lord Jesus receive her. Our vulnerabilities do lead us to trust in God's goodness. That is why the forces of evil are pushing quick easy suicide w/ euthanasia. Giving a person time to come to terms w/ death is a great opportunity to focus on God.

The collapse is already underway and I think it's already happened in some manner. We just haven't seen the final results. My line of work exposes me to the dramatic price inflation. Yet the leadership is going full speed ahead into the abyss. The CDC has voted to add the baby peck shots to the childhood vaccination schedule in America. Boston University researchers are working on a COVID hybrid virus that may bring one of the four horsemen for real.

Nevertheless, this is no reason to despair. I truly that the collapse has been slow b/c God is giving us every opportunity to repent. While destruction may be necessary for people to repent, God would prefer us to repent w/o the suffering that is to come. We have to focus on aligning ourselves w/ God and become His co-creators in a world of increasing chaos.

21 October 2022 at 00:20

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Lady Mermaid has left a comment:

"@Lucinda That is a touching story about your mom. May the Lord Jesus receive her. Our vulnerabilities do lead us to trust in God's goodness. That is why the forces of evil are pushing quick easy suicide w/ euthanasia. Giving a person time to come to terms w/ death is a great opportunity to focus on God.

"The collapse is already underway and I think it's already happened in some manner. We just haven't seen the final results. My line of work exposes me to the dramatic price inflation. Yet the leadership is going full speed ahead into the abyss...

"Nevertheless, this is no reason to despair. I truly that the collapse has been slow b/c God is giving us every opportunity to repent. While destruction may be necessary for people to repent, God would prefer us to repent w/o the suffering that is to come. We have to focus on aligning ourselves w/ God and become His co-creators in a world of increasing chaos."

21 October 2022 at 07:15

Blogger The Anti-Gnostic said...

I think the social breakdown precedes the technological breakdown.

21 October 2022 at 14:19

Anonymous Kathleen said...

While the only possible (ultimate) solutions lie in the spiritual realm, we flesh and blood houses of these souls still need to survive and make it through to battle the evil among us. We are human for a purpose, we live physically for a reason. Knowing that God wins in the end prevents despair and allows me to live the best, most moral version of myself. Not easy, when your civilization is dying all around you, but preferable to the alternative.

22 October 2022 at 03:03