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Blogger Mike A. said...

Job 38:4-7

“Where wast thou when I ​​​laid​ the ​​​foundations​ of the ​​​earth​? declare, if thou hast understanding.
​​​Who hath ​​​laid the measures thereof​, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it?
​​​​​Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the ​​​corner stone​ thereof;
​​​​​​When the morning stars ​​​sang​ ​​together, and all the ​​​sons​ of God shouted for ​​​joy​?”

Not only did we know who Christ was, we *all* shouted for joy when the plan for this earth life was presented to us.

We all chose Christ.

26 March 2021 at 04:08